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Vex Light

A member registered Dec 13, 2022

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(1 edit)

Minor spoilers from alpha!

I think the rename to Caelen should be optional and not affect the story. Otherwise, it just feels like the character name is pointless, and the MC should just be Caelen should be his name from the start, along with just not remembering the MC's name in the first place...

Custom name shouldn't be pointless by taking the name agency away. Also wasted programming space.

Remember kids, The European Honey Bee is an invasive species killing off the more important pollinators. Kill dem honey bees. They hurt my baby bumble bees.

I can't help but wait for every new update. Love the characters especially Lars and Cade. The MC feels over reactive sometimes but maybe it is because I am old.

second that emotion

Won't lie. I relate with him a little too much and I am jealous of him. XD

Hi I wanted to say, I loved playing Chihiro and I am so glad theres now some soft/nonfatal vore out there. The cast so far is very cute and fun. Thank you very much. ^_^

I'll be waiting with baited breath

I consider myself very unlucky for finding this game... mostly because it is going to kill me until i get to see more of the wonderful story and get to spend more time with all the characters.

A+ start and crazy beautiful art and characters.

This  VN deserves more awareness because there needs more support.

Wishing there was a download version but seems like a great start so far.

Feels a bit oddly short but I could be wrong.

I really hope there will be more to enjoy. The start is really solid and exciting.


Bummer, I wanted to see what I would end up as after hooking up Ramon

Will there be a part of this game where you end up getting to be a demon or angel and getting to know which you end up as?

Be careful, try to be.