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A member registered Jul 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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very strange but 10/10

great game!

this game was great, really good, sorta got lost lookin for snacks lol 

this was a crazy party, 10/10!

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10\10 really great game I got genuinely creeped out, I threw away every one of those creepy books too lol

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I tried to run this game a few times, unfortunately it ran super slow with bad fps, I'm running it through a gtx 1650 graphics card and it still runs slow, very sorry, the game looks great, I just cant play it

i did a live stream on this game, it was epic! got lost in a few bits but figured it out with a short tutorial, 10/10 id play mnore games by u!

you must hit the broken part of the arches

 to get him mad, do it again for stage two to occur, watch out he does try to eat and chase you for a minute after breaking the arch over his head, for stage two use bo0mb harpoons to slowly inactivate his defense turrets, then its just down to how many times u can hit him with harpoons, it takes ages so don't give up!

i need more stone jones, best game i ever played! definitly will play games by you on my channel!

this game was great! couldn't figure out the last ending but I left it to my viewers to find! thanks for making this game! 

this game gave me such a jump lol thanks for making it!

I'm almost positive the doctor took my kidney and made me sign the consent paper! XD

this game was awesome! hamburger 10/10!

i loved this game! it got very hard as it progressed and i loved the challenge! thanks for making this game!

this came was terrifying, I got so mad and I thought it was funny, thanks for the experience! 

thank you for giving me the opportunity to!

Deception Demo community · Created a new topic epic game!

this game was absolutely terrifying, every jumpscare got me. cant wait for the full game!

thats great! you can email me at or join my discord to contact me about updates to your game, and if other games  come out u can ask for me to play them! -vexten

me and my friend loved your game! i posted the gameplay to my channel, id definitely play more games by you! -vexten

got a email to play this game from the developer! this game is awesome and the game mechanics are great regardless of it being a demo, well made, thank you for giving me the ability to play your game!

really cool little game very simple and adorable :)

thanks for making this game it was great! thank you for giving me this opportunity to play it!

id totally make a video on a full game version of this, definitely

 getting a follow, hope to see the full thing!

carl was my favorite, also i seemed to have broken the came more then once lol

loved the ambiance really well made game!

very strange but it was awesome!

i have no idea what i just played, thank you for making this game! :D

really great message and equally great game, thank you for giving me the opportunity to play your game!

awesome game, the floor is definitely breathing!

nice game i really enjoyed it!

this video is my top viewed so thank u!

not a bad game, loved how it looks definitly is short but liked it! made a vid on it!