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A member registered Jun 11, 2023

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(1 edit)

Review or something (may contain spoilers):

I think the game was actually pretty dope. I do prefer short horror games over the longer types and I couldnt even tell ya why I just do. Those first two jumpscare? *Chefs Kiss*. The ending jumpscare for the bad ending did not phase me whatsoever. I do think MC should go to the hospital as he just ate two packs of ramen that contains human within them. iirc you can get sick from consuming humans lmfao. All jokes aside, I think if the jumpscare at the end was made scarier this would be a certified hood classic (even tho it kinda already is). I also like how when bro was like "Yeah he right behind you" nothing happens. Nothing creates more dread then experiencing something in game that should have been a jumpscare but actually nothing happens. It sorta makes the player panic a little (even if they dont notice). I didnt vocalize it in the vid but immediately in my mind I was thinking "omg its gonna happen when i start walking", "Bro might chase me and I cant sprint." Things of that nature. All in All I give it a 4.5/5!

Review (may contain spoilers):

I like the game and somewhat surprised when you not only said this was your first game, but also said that this would be a series. I just assumed you were seasoned as a game dev especially based on the way the game turned out. I mentioned that I hate the way the doors swing outward in the vid but in reality it kinda suits the game. makes it scarier since you have to actually pull the door to open it. Meaning that should there be something on the other side it would make the jumpscare even scarier. All in all good game, playtime is around like 20-25 minutes but it depends on the player. The jumpscares took years off my life since there's like a buildup towards the actual horror. Feel like I'm missing something but all in all i look forward to future titles.


Not even gonna lie...I had a lot of fun playing this. Maybe make a sequel? Its very rare that I actually enjoy playing horror games.  Kudos to you dev!

Review as promised (and spoilers probably):

Much like the two previous games i checked out by you guys (thanks for providing me with all three) the game has promise and is on a good path. I will not lie, I got frustrated towards the end of the vid when you had to get into the room and fix the fuses (?) while the monster is on the prowl. He seemed a little too overpowered but then again I could just suck lol. I feel like you should add maybe an objective system so that the player can at least keep track of what they are even supposed to be doing. The jumpscares for the most part got me especially in the beginning. I will also say the AI-tik tok voice the character has is a bit off putting. If you need VA I would gladly lend my voice lol (despite never really doing VA i would be open to it). All in all keep up the good work.

Third and final game in the vid (Starts around like 33:26)


I wanna start off by saying that eating frozen pizza straight from 7/11, wawa, royale farms, or whatever convenience store you have around you, is crazy! This game was dope as hell but alas like most horror games on this site it is a bit short. It does leave questions though once you beat the game but not too many. For example, what exactly is the black entity. I know we turn into it once we off ourselves but what exactly is it supposed to be? Are we now a demon of sorts? I was just curious. I do also like how, and this might be a reach, but how it kinda has a message in it about mental illness. Obviously this is a very extreme case but it still somewhat touches on schizophrenia all the same. Hell the game mentions it directly towards the end. All in all I was pleased (though baffled as to why the clerk was just in my bedroom with random red string lights on the wall presumably). Thanks for the experience!

Second game in the vid (starts at like the 19 minute mark)


This game, just like mommy, has a lot of potential. The concept alone kind of reminds me of a silent hill game (or at least I think it was silent hill) that I played as a child where iirc the house was on fire and things were happened that were quite startling. The game does seem to reuse the same monster from mommy (or maybe this came first then mommy I'm not sure) which is fine but obviously some more should be added on. As I understand this game is also not complete which means this game has a chance to be an indie game that takes the youtuber and streamer market by storm once it reaches its potential. It is possible that I missed some things but I believe I was quite thorough when I played the game, checking everything that I could. Once you leave the house I assume the game is over but just like in my experience with mommy there was really no way to know as there is no indicator to really show the demo is over. Should also add some sort of mechanic to make items easier to find as it took me forever to find the key. Speaking of key I got to the hidden room by fazing through the wall. I don't know if this bug is intentional or not when the bookcase beside it shows it can probably be moved. Maybe look into this. Regardless I look forward to the future of both this and mommy and I thank you for the pleasure of playing as well as the experience.

(2 edits)

First game in the vid


I wont lie the game got me a few times especially the first time i was jumpscared. As I understand this game is not finished and therefore I cannot judge the game completely, only on what is currently being available. With that being said I believe in constructive criticism anyways and most of my reviews are as such. This game in particular has great great potential. The flashlight I could not turn back on after using it for about 5 minutes or so. I had to essentially wander in the dark which isn't so bad sometimes but not when the whole game after that is basically like that. I couldn't even see the room with the hiding place as by then the flashlight was off. I'm not sure if I was just pressing the buttons wrong but I pressed every button and nothing happened. I did get the lighter later on but its for objective purposes it seems only? Does not do much in terms of lighting the area. Maybe take an Outlast approach and add more batteries to be found around the map. Speaking of the map i assume it is to evolve and have more stuff added later. When in the main menu or even the pause menu if you click on anything you get the startling sound of a child calling for their mommy. This scared the absolute mess outta me the first time and maybe a lil down the line when I forgot about it but all the other times it seemed a bit tedious and jarring. Overall I think the game is a great start and just needs a little work that's all. I look forward to seeing how it changes as time moves on.

Review (May contain spoilers):

This game was actually pretty dope. From the eyes on the main menu to the part where you ask the ghost to reveal itself(both scared the mess outta me). Maybe its already implemented and I haven't reached it yet but maybe add like the ability to purchase more backpack space in the future? I do like how there can be more than one ghost in one house. That was certainly not expected as I heard several different voices when I was in different rooms. Do you plan on adding an online element in the future? I think that would be dope as well! Thanks for the experience!


Starts @45:41

Review (contains spoilers):

Where do I even begin with this one? I did everything I thought was needed to be done night one and still managed to die Lmfao. But I didn't hide the knives which kind of a scary thought. Having to hide your own knives at night because crazy people like throwing bricks into windows and cutting your alarm with the knives. The ending was kind of odd but then again I only got what i imagine to be one out of like maybe 3-4 endings such as actually going to bed on the last level (which I am still curious about). Overall it was a good game and I enjoyed it much like the other games played. Thanks!!

Starts @24:57

Review (contains spoilers):

This was probably my favorite of the 4 games I played in this vid (no offense other 3). I started off by saying it reminded me of the boogeyman games that came out few years prior before i really got into the game. After playing it I conclude that in mechanics it is somewhat similar which also makes it dope. Also reminded me of fnaf slightly. Just a smidgen. I was having so much fun with this one i did actually consider beating it 100%. 

(2 edits)

Starts @18:58.

Review (contains spoilers):

First off I love the music that plays as you're shopping. Kind of peaceful and coupled with the actual shopping it makes you forget its a horror game. You go to pay and then all hell breaks loose. The amount of anxiety and terror i felt when the lights cut out. IMMEDIATE chills. I'm still convinced the murderer is the cashier.

Review (Contains Spoilers!!):

I decided as I always do to which is go find random horror games and basically make a video of it. This was the first game I came across and as such is the first game in the video. Let me start off by first saying when dude popped up beside me after i finished the movie? Almost gave me a heart attack lmao. I was expecting like when i opened the door he might jump out or something not for him to just be there as soon as i got control so kudos for that unexpected jumpscare. I also didnt know they would just bolt as soon as they get the movie if they intended to steal. There was no heads-up so it kind of added a bit of a challenge (which can be done by just stalking your customers as they shop). Overall the game was dope, thanks!

Starts around 24-25 min mark. 


I wont lie i was scared at first but after a while i wasn't as scared considering he doesn't actually do anything until you actually find all the bodies. he just whispers nice things in ya ear. I found the game to be charming however and even somewhat funny in a good way. If possible maybe make it to where there are actual repercussions to turning your back too long (and if you want I wouldn't be opposed to some comedic elements added if you wish to go that route).


Starts around the 21 min mark. Whats crazy about this game is i had spoiled the jumpscare slightly. when i went to dl the game i had seen what the monster looked like on here. I read the description and was like " oh. closing eyes while in shower scary, i can relate. ik what the monster looks like. cant be that bad right?" I wasnt expecting the sounds to change between runs. Second run had me fooled. HOW DARE YOU! I jumped so hard lmao despite knowing at some point that thing would pop up in someway. I also wast expecting him to be so close i thought he would maybe be in the doorway. Also, the first run i never opened my eyes and nun happened so i was feeling cocky. Thanks for the experience.

Starts around 2 min mark. Out of the 3 games this one got me the most. You don't understand the relief of actually making it back to the front door and leaving. I entertained the thought of doing the other endings (or at least trying) But i chickened out lmao.

I'm not gonna lie dude scared the mess outta me a few times. Even got the jumpscare u get when he catches you. I look forward to more in future update if you plan on adding anything. I really wanna know why Only I can see him like this is death note. I wanna know what's in the brief case and who shot dude in the beginning and why. 

Its the first game in the vid so no timestamp needed.

Want Comedy while your anxiety is through the roof? Perfect game for you. Love it lol

Starts at 15:08

This game has jumpscared me long enough...5/5

Starts at 31:10

Apologies for the late response. I happen to login in search for more horror and saw ya response. Anyways great game and anytime man!

Starts at 36:36 (played two other games before this one). Fun little game that actually jump scared me a few times. I didn't experiment with like the various things u can do like buying things u aren't there for or using the bathroom so i'm sure i missed some stuff but overall i'd give like a 7/10. The ambiance on like the final night was crazy.

I dig the overall message of the game. I wasnt exactly scared but overall a good experience.

Second game in this video (starts at like 21 minutes).
Made me paranoid 10/10.

I REFUSE to open them. 

I downloaded and played with the assumption that this was either a happy tree friends sort of game where it looks all cute and cuddly only for it to be a grim twist or that for whatever reason the MC was a murderer or something. With that being said I enjoyed it and was scared to death during

second game in the vid. Starts at like 3:30. She scared the absolute mess outta me when I didn't know she followed you around. Look Forward to upcoming Updates.