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A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi all, i have been working on the first dungeon as of late and made a new enemy(The zombie) .  I do have some problems with ideas for puzzles tough and i am considering scrapping them altogether, would you guys miss the puzzles?

Things in this version:

-The intro.

-Basic controls

-Story up to the meeting with the fairy queen.

-Money system (sugar)

-2 Enemy's (Satyre, Piskle blob)

-2(/3) adult scenes (Nymp in the woods, Nudist in the town, Fairy queen meeting)

-The world map

Know bugs:

-Satyre moves while pausing the game.

- Jumping while descending stairs.

Hi everybody,

This is my first 3d Unity game project so it will probably a bit rough at places (I am still learning) I have tested this game with; a mouse/keyboard, a ps4 controller and a Logitech controller. The ps4 and mouse/keyboard work as intended but the Logitech one is a bit wonkey (blocking and targeting is unable). Please let me know if there are any other problems controlling the game with other methodes or it doesn’t work that great with the ones I have listed.

The overworld sprite.

Alright, i will do these things and say thank you in advance. It is a verry small subquest tought, you collect a few 'mysterius items' and get a firm hand shake and a  small states boost.

Hello, I am working on a new part of the soon to be Dicky quadrilogy and i was wondering if it is oké to but your character (Morag) as a part of a sub queste?

No, that is not really for me to be honest (no offence if you or any one ells here likes that ) Al tough the newest part i am working on has a rival character so maybe i can but some mild homo erotic undertones in there.

(1 edit)

SPOILER Walktrough:

1 Go north west of the fair and talk to the salesman.

2 Leave the fair and grind until you have 5 coupons.

3 Follow the river until you see a hole in the ground

4 Talk to the man and chose paper the first 2 times and then scissors

5 Go north of the fair and talk to the tour guide.

6 Go back to the fair and talk to the salesman

7 Go to the north east of the fair and talk to the fan girl twice.

8 Go back north again and enter dungeon nr 1

9.1 Go al the way to the west and enter the room on your left.

2 Defeat the enemies and get the gun

3 Go north and shoot the lever

4 walk the trail and hit the lever at the end

5go right and hit the final lever.

6 Go back to the entrance and go up

10 when the boss is defeated leave the dungeon and talk to the tour guide.

11 Go al the way to the west and enter the tower.

12 Talk to the receptionist and go back to the fair.

13 go to the south west and talk to the raver

14 1 Go back to the tower and take the elevator down.

2 Go up and defeat the enemy (they are fast).

3 Go back to the entrance and go left.

4 Open the chest and and go down

5 defeat the enemy and go back to the entrance

6 Go up and then left and place a bomb at the southern wall

7 Go down and defeat the enemy.

8 go back to the entrance, take the elevator up

and talk to the receptionist.

15 Talk to the manager and then with the receptionist

16 Go back to the fair defeat the enemies

17 Go to the well and then up

18 (optional; buy the third upgrade for your mace, the final boss is pretty hard without)

Have fun! (I did when i was making it)

Walk trough:


1Walk al the way to the right and enter the club.

2Talk to the clown.

3Go left and enter the pet shop.

4 Give the store clerk the 100$ bill

5Go to the back of the store and get the stool

6Walk left to the crossroad and use the stool on the button.

7Feed your cat the cat food.

8Go back to gym and go to the alley next to it.

9Give the prostitute the 50$ bill

10Go inside the gym and give the bag to the coach.

11Go to the spa and talk to the cashier.

12Go right and talk to the undercover cop

13Go back to the gym and try to use the lock pick on the door

14Go back to the spa and enter the sauna

15Put the stool in the brazier.

16Put the lock pick in the brazier .

17Leave the sauna and turn the knob

18Turn the knob again and enter the sauna

19Click on the brazier

20Go back to the gym

21Use the key on the door

22Go back to the Spa

23Use the camera on the undercover cop

24 Go to the office and talk to the janitor

25 Talk to the cashier.

Making a childhood dream a reality. Community » General » General Discussion · Created a new topic Spam

Anyone ells having trouble with spam? One of my games keeps gething spamed with video's of some kind of al female fortnight.