Thank you!! I was supposed to getting on with some prep for Uni this morning.. Having just seen this reply, I now have other plans 😎😂
Recent community posts
Had a bit of trouble with the bridge location as the flashback video kept playing over and over. I got kicked out after putting out the fire but when I restarted the game it brought me back to the exact spot I was at, so no bother! I am stuck at the moment with getting the key for the apartment. looks like there is a crowbar or something in the lift but I can't get the doors to stay open long enough to reach in and I have no useful objects. I followed the clue about 'key under Mat' but couldn't find anything to interact with. I wondered if it was to do with the stickers and then decided to click the corresponding stickers on the mailboxes. All it says is that they are empty or locked. I can't find anything to lift the floorboard up either... unless it is the thing inside the lift?
Downloaded on M1 Mac with Big surr and unable to open the game. I get the following message:
"Another Tomorrow" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
This software needs to be updated. Contact the developer for more information.
This item is on the disk image “Another Tomorrow Demo.dmg”. Chrome downloaded this disk image today at 3:47 pm from