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Victor Luong

A member registered Mar 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi Amy, it's Vic! Your demo was incredible! I had a blast!

I apologize for getting back so late! New Year's was busy with work and keeping my health up. Reach out to me at whenever you like!

Hi! I'm Victor! It's nice to meet you!
Thank you for playing. I'm humbled with the kind praise. I'd like to believe my mom won the competition without  a sweat! 

I had vivid experiences living in Hue, Ca Mau and visiting Sai Gon when my family and I came to Vietnam but they were all over 12 years ago. 

I don't have a twitter account anymore but DM me whenever you like!

Agreed! Gotta make time to check out some of these

Hi I'm Victor! I'm the creator of "My Shadow is Vietnamese" and I want to thank you for featuring my game! I kept the project in the oven for a very long time I'm very happy it's out in the wild. Being so busy and all, I'm unsure what to write next but making games is something I want to do in my life so to be featured is very humbling.