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A member registered Jun 08, 2018

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This game is so strange yet so fun! It makes sense but also doesn't haha and that's what I like about it!:D There were a few problems with the cursor on the game (luckily didn't show on the recording), the jump didn't really work for me and the time trial didn't work. Other than that, It was so weird and fun to play!:D

This game is so so cute! I love any game involving cute puppers like this!:D

Awesome and very sweet game!

This game was so unique and fun to play! I really enjoyed the interesting story and game mechanics!

This game was so so weird! It was fun in a way? I just wish there was more things to do apart from punching and running lol.

This game was actually really interesting and kind of creepy in a way, however, the ending was totally spoiled...

This game was so weird and fun! I had a lot of fun playing it, and unboxing the items even though at one point nothing was being unpacked. 

This game was extremely crazy and chaotic but I loved it! I got stuck a few times as I didn't see the key lol, the idea was really unique and interesting, the story was weird too!

Evolution community · Created a new topic My gameplay

This game was extremely fun to play and I enjoyed every bit of it! This is definitely something that I'll play around with in my spare time! I absolutely loved this game!

This game was really challenging to play, I can't imagine what it's like on hard mode! Even though I didn't collect any money I really enjoyed this game and have a lot of fun!

This silly little game was a ton of fun! I really enjoyed the whole idea and the funky mechanics!

What's not to love about this cute game? It's so sweet and fun to play! I do wish there were more things to do like buying items but I had a blast just walking around and seeing the fish market!

Really cool game! I had a lot of fun playing this game!

I was so excited to try this game again and I can see so many improvements and new features. I really liked how I could see behind me as it makes it quite worried about being crashed into, also it allows the driver to cut off anyone behind. I also liked to be able to choose my own laps which makes each race different. Thank you again for making a custom skin of my icon, and I liked how I raced against it at one point.

However, the laps didn't fully work as I did more laps, for example I was on lap 5/3 at one point. Also I noticed that sometimes I couldn't drive forward while slowly rolling backwards (i'm not sure if that's meant to be like that). 

I actually really like the control system in this game, it was so unique and extremely fun! Even the story was funny and catchy! 

This game was so adorable! I really liked the idea of it and how the dog gets adopted. I sort of wish there were different dog colours and breeds and more levels maybe? Also level 4 was extremely difficult, but I still enjoyed trying to do it lol

It's so nice knowing that developers take on board what players say, I will definitely check out the game after the updates and then I'll review it again!

Thank you! That would be so nice, need me to send the icon somehow?

This game was actually so well made! I really enjoyed the difficult parts (LEAVES) even though they annoyed me lol. It's such a simple game yet its a pleasure to play! I don't know how people finished this game in under 20 seconds but that's pretty much impossible for me to do. I kind of wish there were more levels and different difficulties but honestly, this one level is enough.

Even though I complained a lot about the 'unfair' AI, I actually really enjoyed this game and the randomness made the game unique and really fun to play! However, I wish it was a little easier to see what lap you're on and maybe less laps (I didn't check if you can change the amount), but other than that I really enjoyed the game, and while the controls were difficult I think that's what made the game fun and challenging.

Really fun little game, however I wish there was some more information or goals as I was a little confused which target to shoot, also I missed a lot so it would have been cool if there was a penalty for missing some people. But other than that, I really enjoyed this game and I found it quite unique!

This game was so fun and interesting, however I didn't fully understand what was going on but that made it even creepier! I really enjoyed this game and the attic was super creepy!

This game was a lot of fun and so unique! I will definitely be playing more of this in my spare time!

This game was actually really fun! I just wish I didn't get stuck!

(2 edits)

This game was so adorable, and even though I struggled a bit I still really enjoyed this game! What an interesting experience!

I actually really enjoyed this game and even though I got pretty annoyed at this game, I had tons of fun! It's also a really addictive game!

Very interesting game! I really enjoyed this however I didn't really understand what was going on lol 

This game is so lovely and pleasant to play! I am actually happy to know that this is only a demo and may have more things in the future! Thank you for making such a sweet little game :D

This game was so fun and I really liked the whole idea of the game!

This game was surprisingly really fun and quite challenging! I just wish there was a bit more to do, but other than that, I really enjoyed playing this game!

This game is so adorable and fun to play! I really enjoyed being a magician however I did struggle with the spoon one lol

The White Diner community · Created a new topic My gameplay

This game was really interesting and fun with a creepy-ish ending, it really made you feel like you was tripping lol.

Such a unique and fun little game! I really liked the way the parent hermit crabs moved!:P

This game was quite difficult however it was still really fun.

This game was actually really fun to play! Just wish there were more storage units, but i still really enjoyed this game!:D

This game was so unique and cute! Sadly, I didn't complete the game but I still really enjoyed it!

This game was so crazy and weird! However, it was really addicting and fun!

This game was quite difficult however it was a lot of fun!:D

Such a sweet and adorable little game! I enjoyed this so much!