Bruh pixel art is THICC here
Viktor Dunets
Creator of
Recent community posts
Thanks for your deep review, and it makes us really happy that our games, even made in a week, can have a positive impact on the players. It means a lot for us!
We wanted to add something that could explain the skeleton mechanic at the beginning, a character or so, but due to time boundaries we didn't implement this. But still, we will take them into the consideration :)))))
And of course
You recieved a candy from Mage Dog !
Forgot to mention about the Mage Dog
This is the thing that is not noticeable from the first glance, but this dog appears in the third scene in the mage world and he's making some kind of magical substance that he packs in some kind of the capsules? There are seen throughout the game and on the right from the dog when we see him for the first time. Then during the final scene in the magic world when we see a black hole we can see the same place where the dog was in the third scene. Everything there seems to be fine except the thing that the dog disappeared. Then we encounter that dog during the final scene when he sees us and disappears. The thing was that that dog helped us to return to MC home, he opened these two black holes in the magic world and the skeleton world.
Nice huh?
I'm the guy who was making a visual and animation stuff for this project and I'm jubilant that you love our game
Concerning a level design and changing between realities was the core game mechanic, we also wanted to add a reality with the animals where you could become a fish to swim or mouse to get to some point and the reality with the astronauts where you could have some kind of a jet with wich you could fly on a bizarre planet. But due to a small period given for the development, we only created two realities ((
As an artist, I appreciate your interest in the visual stuff I made for this project. The main idea was to set a story's mood from the beginning with some fancy images, I used a limited palette btw really helps a lot, and it was easy to become overwhelmed with the unlimited palette when you have not much time for the development

In this work, I gave myself the freedom and had a lot of time to figure out a mood of the scene, but when it comes to limited terms this thing comes in handy.
We will consider an option for further development of this game ;)
Again thanks for your deep review