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A member registered Aug 25, 2020

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Here’s a link to their subscribe Star, for those who want to help out. with funding since Patreon got nuked. https://subscribestar.adult/thesolarionproject

honestly I think the pixel art adds to the overall style of the game .

their patreon was banned, of course they are going to need a price increase to offset the cost of that.

love you guys work reminds me of classic VTMB!

you don’t have to buy it it’s entirely optional.

don’t let people get you guys down your making quality work. 

thank you! 

can people who purchased your games on Itch.io expect update's to the game? or are we just SOL?

just start a new game normally.

cringe comment!

because it’s an obvious scam

their is a error in the latest build, something about fade to black. Not working properly.

errors":["Failed to create PayPal payment (422)"]}

paypal client is broken.

will you add an opinion to remove the Futa?

toxic comment, toxic person!

itch changed their policy regarding what kinds of adult content they will allow on site.

what gave you that impression? Also Itch recently changed the policy regarding adult content.

any progress on the game? Patreon has been silent.

Anyway to keep corruption low I had it at zero prior to this update. and after I automatically got first 6 then 8 corruption. 

check his patreon he has been working on the game. But he’s been going through shit. And some support couldn’t hurt.

not the teams fault it’s the fault of payment processors .  

sorry this happened additionally for anyone interested I posted a link to an article. About this situation from an adult news site. On the games main page.

yes and from their prospective they stole your money as well. How this doesn’t open them up to a class action suit is beyond me.

basically yes because for some reason violent content perfectly ok . But sexual content devious ,disgusting, immoral. lol

well isn’t that some pardon my French but weapons grade bullshit. You can make a game field to brim with murder but god forbid you show a nipple .

I believe the issue is more to do with PayPal and other credit card processing companies not wanting their name associated with porn. Which while understandable to a point is sort of stupid. Considering these same companies have no problems with violent video games.

I thank you for this I have already made my mind up to support your work as soon as I am finically able to do so. I’ve been a fan of your work for a while. I mean this sincerely you and your team make is art.

Itch may in its attempt to please payment processors, find out that adult content is basically the only reason people use this site. hopefully the loss of revenue is severe.

cant find your patreon do you have a link Perveteer?

they do follow the link to Patreon well worth it .

Unfortunately even though I paid for the version with the bonus scenes it is no longer available. Meaning it just links me to the free version. Meaning Itch took money from me for a product and decided to fuck me and the devs of said product over. Feels bad man.

https://lewdpixels.com/news/has-itch-io-become-an-irritation-too-far/ sure thing sorry for the late reply , heres a link to a news website with an article on the issue.

itch has recently changed policy regarding paid versions of games on their site , any plans for how your studio plans to handle the changes. I’d very much like to continue supporting your work.

well for what it’s worth I enjoy your content and if I can get it elsewhere I will. I refuse to do business with a site that actively fucks over its developers, when for the longest time they had no problem taking a cut.

both sasha and bree have to be in the girlfriend status before they will agree additonally make sure both girls Lp KP are at the mini requirment.

Adult games are basically what make this site , if they can’t or won’t sell them anymore the can  expect a massive loss in revenue.

this policy change by itch doesn’t make sense , is it a payment process policy change that spurred itch’s policy change. I’ve heard some credit card companies are hesitant to allow adult content.

I don’t know what you’re going through in your personal life. But I know you’ve mentioned creative burnout on patron before. And I just wanted to tell you take as long as you need don’t let this game become a burden. It is however an amazing game one I’m glad I own .

yes on their Patreon .