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A member registered Oct 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! We had a few last day problems to work out and we couldn't finish lighting, the dragon battle and the enemies that started not showing up, the original idea was that you get to the dragon, it's hard to beat (sadly not implemented aspect) the dragon makes you fall from the tower and you have to go back to fight it again. Credits should be after killing the dragon but they're not there. Hope you enjoyed the implemented parts!

If you still want to try some games we made a souslike rpg

Hope you enjoy playing!

If you like souslike rpgs try our game at

Hope you enjoy playing!

Thanks for playing!

Seems the fix I uploaded killed a few of the skeletons, there should be more! Thanks for all the sugestions and leting me know about that! We didn't had the time to optimize lighting and now need to wait. Will repackage the fix so the enemies show up! On the bright side you didn't get frustrated! Thanks for playing!

The dialogues are great, UI and menus design also, the chill vibe also great, need improvement with the jump. The pixel inconsistency is something to remember for next jam, it doesn't affect the gameplay, but could make the game look even nicer.

Cool idea, beautifull pixels, really should add music, maybe it would be cool if it get easier to eat stuff when the Dino gets bigger? Overall fun to play!

Great references, fun and consitent text! Graphic style really works, great idea to have different endings, but there's a learning curve that requires a few gameplays and becoming a good pharmacist.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Really glad you enjoyed! It was a month of hard work! The original idea was that you would need to have skills to not fall from the tower during the dragon fight (could kill it and finish the game there without checking all the level), or after falling on the way back you would get stronger using Dragon Scales you would collect from enemies so the battle would be easier!

(1 edit)

Addictive, fun game! Visual, audio and gameplay well integrated, just need to get those shots to hit the enemies when they don't! (don't mind the enemies that stop they help)

Hey Rico! We had some last minute packing problems for a full day, the file is up now, since it's a little bigger than usual there's also a video on the game page!

Glad you enjoyed! We really didn't had the time to finish some of the levels gimmicks and soundtrack but it was great making it, thanks for the feedback!

Sent you a friend invite!

Great work! But a few 2D artists joined alredy and we can't keep mixing more art styles, sorry!


Sent you a friend invite!

Sent you a friend invite!

Great art! We're working with Unreal, if you want to try it or create 3D models or textures (so there's no need to use the engine) you're welcome, sent you a friend invite on discord!

Sent you a friend invite!

Sent you a friend invite in discord!

Sent you a friend request!

Did you join a team yet? Sent you a friend request!

(1 edit)


We're looking for 3D artists (any software) game and level designers, UI/UX designers, a programmer to join our Unreal 5 team for this Game Off, the idea for this project is to create something polished within those 30 days.
I had a really cool experience in a past Game Off working with a lot of people and we created a really good project, if you want to know more let me know!

The team alredy have some great artists, designers, musicians and programmers. The team has members that portfolio is more realistic (with anime characters) and others a little more stylized (think Ghibli), we will probably do something between those aspects.

My discord vinikholas

Whats your Discord? We're creating a game with Unreal 5 for this Jam!

Hey! We are creating an Unreal 5 game for this Jam. Sent you an friend invite on Discord!