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A member registered Jun 29, 2017

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no you ahah

Well done friend

This looks amazing thanks.. definitly a grab when possible I'll put in favorites cheers


How can i save the game progress please?

Got my key and activated thank you so much sir

Thanks a lot sir :)

Will we get a steam copy or will we still receive updates?

Got it im so excited!

This looks amazing surprised i never heard about it, wishlisted and currently trying to get money for it cheers

Is the poison update on itch io too?

Thanks good devs.. also love URW been playing for many years :)

Really detailed and nice

Will i get a steam key? Im scared if you guys don't update here and only update on steam like some devs :(

Good question i got a retroid pocket 4 pro i can test for you soon

In start place it doesnt work whenever i try to repair top left corner wall, tried everything i got enough wood but it's blocked pathwise or something

Was a good dev where he go :( cry

ooh fair :) i understand it's also very game changing and code wise etc.. no worries

Can we fly our ship soon?

Hi devs will this game get the new engine or something i forgot? Sorry left discord had personal issues, also you still plan to try Gog they recently got roa on there?

This is awesome now i need an itch copy i love itch also got soulash 2 on steam thanks Artur

We can change our main race?

This is epic

Oh man just want to say this is now my new dream roguelike... especially if we can fly/pilot our little half-battered ship around this is truly promising, wil definitly donate when i can aswell <3 please don't give up this game

You're a legend Artur

Help please last time i played Eras 2 my crew starved or something and i barely sailed away... I really don't know which character is easiest to start with. I'd like to ferry passengers mostly and some trading... Before even thinking about piracy and battle, I get my butt handed to me in boarding. Cheers any tips are welcomed for this newb pirate. 

Learnt about this from your video omg!!!!! About Warsim <3

Aww ok i tried earlier i think i was getting close to get it to work I'll keep trying

That looks awesome

Im hurt i couldn't understand the nerdy instructions much.. I would pay double for an easy way to setup a game with friends lol :(... Want to grab a copy for a friend aswell we like oldschool muds and such!

New version: game won't start for me i click start game and it simply closes right away ;(

Thanks ill try :)

Grabbed this game its awesome and also downloaded a free bbs tool called synchronet but i have no idea how to " plug " the game to the tool for opening a door or w.e im doing lol, used to play space war with a friend or trade war i think it was called

oooh nice :)

Cheers very fascinating game so far, it's got everytthing i like.. roguelike + aircraft+ steampunk is a win win :)

Will i get a key for steam?

I dont know how to report this i dont see any LOG but game crashed after i killed a 2nd clockwork drone 

Is 1.0 still a thing? love from Québec

ooooh will there be stuff like combat and trading?