I'm just a confused roadie right now...I ran through about 15 variations of how to take that from tld to manhole and it ended up hurting My Head 😅
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Just to clarify ahead of time, I fixed the title screen text, but only because I have a few good friends in a gaming community from both russia and ukraine (and the font didnt work for the actual characters lol), I personally don't speak or understand more than a few words or the game would be in russian as well already (pon I do 'understand' ), actually they were more supportive than most.
I won't get into the political aspect here except to say I don't believe your average person has or wants anything to do with it, and I don't believe it should have any place in the video game world at all.
I just wanted to keep it real and let you know if you start speaking in another language I won't understand you without translating it...and I want nothing to do with the politics in either direction.
My stance is for the gamers, all of the gamers.
With that out of the way (for anyone), the next update will likely be just code fixes I figure within the week, unless I get more suggestions before then, we're trying to get the next story update released by mid February and the fixes will definitely be done by then if not sooner.
Hope to see you then. Cheers.
It's possible the volume was defaulted at 40% since it was originally....in any case its already been changed for future releases.
But you had troubler reading the font on PC?
Can I ask where it became problematic, since you can change the dialogue font I have to assume it was the preference screen...but I'm running it on my PC at 4K with and without HDR enabled....and frankly I don't have the best vision for small text--I don't have any issues.