In 0.1.3 version you can find an easter egg 馃槒
Funny game, I unlocked all girls (watermelon Yuyuko with fork)
Maybe add Nue, she spinning fast (but slow movement) from left to right or viceversa
My record
the gameplay is like the classic NES tetris (no 7bag, no Hold) but worst (No DAS, no ARR, no 2 rotation
-Cirno (normal,tanned,super)
-Marisa (normal,hatless,PC-98)
-Reimu (normal,PC-98)
-Reisen (normal,earth rabbit)
-Sakuya (normal,winter)
-Sanae (normal,heavenly)
-Youmu (normal,party)
-Yuuka (normal,PC-98)
-Yuyuko (normal,gothic)
Same thought but jump statistic are changed
In 0.1.0:
Skate and Genji: above medium ; Broom: medium
In 0.1.1:
Skate: above medium ; Broom and Genji: high
finally I did it and I find the Easter Egg
I used the skate but always below the edge
how you did it? I try many times using trees
you found the tanned/blond Cirno?
ah un uomo di cultura
complimenti per la traduzione