I think that there's something wrong with the 0.99 version; I'm ushered into a room from my cell in an unskippable cutscene, then something happens to kill the researcher, and I see "use A and D to move". However, there doesn't seem to be anything to interact with or pick up in the room, I can't figure out how to use the door, how to reach the dead scientist, etc. I'm effectively stuck. Did I miss a trigger? Do I need to try to break the cutscene?
Aha, E opens the door. I thought I'd tried pressing all the buttons. Could you please add text when the user reaches the door to press E to go through it?
Also, I don't seem to be able to pick up the level 1 keycard, or if I can, I'm not sure how. I've also reached the Level 1 switch and can't use it.