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A member registered Aug 03, 2021

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Oh and one more thing that the text just keep repeating like 6 or 7 times at that scene.

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Well, I think I known how to get one of those. First you have to take off your armor before you meet the brown doggo in the forest ( I forgot his name) , you only need your belt. After that, you have to let his crazy friend hit you to broke the belt and then you just need to defeat him. When you done that cute doggo will give you the special attire. Sr for my bad grammar, English is not my second language.

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OK I don't know if anyone have this error, but I stuck at the monster scence. It's won't let me fight the monster, the attack bar just stand there and don't move even when I try to click it, it just freeze like that. I read the manual and it show that the attack bar will auto run and you just need to click it to make it stop. I try to re-download the game, but it still have the same error at that part. Now, I can't continue the game. It just happen on the PC version, the Android one don't have that issue.