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A member registered 94 days ago

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No problem with the slow response... I like the revamp very much :) With those changes (characters, music, effects etc) it does grab you much earlier.
I read about how comments like these help you and make you feel good, so I'm trying to aswell ^^

Anyways, you're doing good, and I'm a fan of what you do so keep going. Also thanks for letting me know in the end about your future thoughts, I really appreciate it. (No need to reply, it's enough to see you read our comments and you are trying :P)

I really loved this game, tbh it's kind of the few that, after completing it I instantly feel shit  (because its perfect and I wanted more of it). Yesterday I saw the reworked version (I played the older one) and I'm gonna play it *straight* after I completed the non=reworked one.
All I got to say is that I am happy there are people like you working in these kind of games and you did great in this one (and I haven't even played the reworked one). I hope you make us proud once again with the rework. I usually don't trust using my credit to any website (even if its but I wanted to share (even if it is a small amount) for your effort.
I know there are quite few people that want to say things like this comment and maybe are shy. We are here, we thank you and we want more like this.

Stay strong and good job.

P.S.:I know I might be greedy but I honestly would die to play more of this... I don't know if you have planned to show things like what happens after the end of semester, like part 2 or something like that... What I'm trying to say is, it's your choice (ofcourse) if you are gonna make more after this, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who would LOVE to see this.