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A member registered Sep 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked the game! The yellow blocks will give you an additional jump when you run into it. As for the end of dash world, I've made significant changes to the game since I put this prototype out which includes a change to that end section. There shouldn't be too much more work before it's complete so stay tuned!

It is pretty difficult to figure out what's going on in rooms. I'll give you a hint. 

  • The first thing you want to do is boost off the rings in the center of the room. 
  • Then you'll want to use the higher up set of rings to get to the platform in the corner. 
  • After that get to the high up platform with a ring immediately on top of it (using the Q hotkey will help you here). 
  • Finally shoot for the red exit by boosting across the room and doing a series of wall runs.

I left some details out so you still have some things you get to figure out, but if you want more help post again and I'll give a more detailed answer.

After going through a ring you should get an extra jump you can use in the air. See if that can get you to the next ledge!

I've made a significant amount of additions and changes to the game since I uploaded this version, so I no longer have this version of the game. Stay tuned though. In a couple months I should be able to deliver a finished product, and I'll be sure to include a Linux build for that. Thanks for your interest!