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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Can you give more details? if it's the wheel puzzle, I don't think you have to press anything just go to each color and wait until it makes a sound, or is it somthing else?


Sorry, I'm not familiar with mobile development.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.

Right now I'm finishing an update for my latest game (the one I made after this one) and I'm aiming to start a new project by the end of this year or the begining of next year at most.

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This one? no, this game has been done since 2018, I've been working on other games for several years now.


nope, unlesss belly expansion counts, in which case, very rarely.

I don't think so, sorry, the best option would be to use WINE.

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the order of the colors is in the paintings on the walls, rotate and stop for a second in each color on the color wheel like a safe.

Nop, sorry.

It's either the down key or space

Sorry, this game doesn't have remapping, I recommend instead using the keyobard manager from PowerToys to remap your keyobard, it's a microsoft application.

There's not much I can tell you other than what the instructions say.

Basically, download a font that works for you rename it to Font2 and place it into the folder with the txt files.

here are the instructions:

Did you add a font with chinese characters? maybe that's the part you're missing.

ok, I'll check.

is it the latest version?

probably not anytime soon

Probably not anytime soon, sorry.

Are you sure you're running the latest version? please check, that should be fixed in the latest (1.2b)

Make sure the font is renamed to Font2, or try downloading a chinese version of noto sans from google fonts and rename it to Font2

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what do you mean? if you alrady bought it the download button appears at the very top.

or check in your library.

Inteartion button with the bug is SPACE, normally is SPACE and UP, but UP for obvious reasons stops working for the bug. I think the readme file says X instead, that's an error.

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You can have whatever opinion you want, that's fine. But even the most basic version of Tetris is a good game.

Sorry, but no. I lack the knowledge.

Sounds like a false positive on your end, there will be an update soon, maybe in the next couple of days, but I don't believe that's going to fix it for you.

there's one here:

Thanks. I'll check it out.

Use the panel before going into the elevator.

I like all of them, they're my daughters, don't lewd my daughters.......



Sai is best girl though.

Press C, you already forgot about the new mechanic.

There's a few "tied" animations if that counts but it's not really a focus, the game itself is more focused on story than anything else, more than previous games, so it's probably not for you.

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you're right, it's only cosmetic

Sorry, I don't remember, there are some playthroughs on youtube, you should check those out.

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Easiest way to find the armory would be by checking the map in the elevator room.

thanks, didn't cach that before 1.1, I'll take it into account for the next one.

Thanks, just one time, but the gallery is a bit scuffed right now, there will be an update soon.

For this you need to contact itch directly, I have no control over payments.

Thanks, by next week hopefully some of the problems will be fixed, so you'll get a slighly better version.

That sounds like an itch problem with your browser, the file appears fine to me and everyone else I asked, you should ask in the itch forums or contact support.