Uhh oops. I uh, so, you know that old trick you play when dealing with fae where you put two pieces of paper on top of eachother, one a contract, the other blank, and just ask to see what their signature looks like?
Turns out, it works on Lilith.
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Hey there, I cannot recall if I've already asked, but it won't hurt to give a poke just in case I haven't.
The size of the game, particularly the animations file, has hit a point where my Linux rig is not longer able to properly unpack the tarball after downloading. Bit of a bummer, as I really did want to try the recent updates.
Are there any plans to make either "Lite" versions of the game available for download that have had the animations and audio stripped to reduce filesize and resource usage, for those who either do not use these functions or lack device specifications, or potentially to provide a regular zip version of the Linux download? This is likely more an issue with how tars are handled than anything else.
Prioritise getting the Arc Scraper (get the consumable if you can afford it) and Plasma, and their upgrades. Order of priority if you want things to go quicker
Plasma > Scraper > Demux > Drone > Reader
The Depth Diver consumable will also help. You typically won't need more than 30 cooling ever, and coherence rapidly drops off in use after 20. Security at 20 will do for most of the game, and effectivelty maxes at 50. Clock speed you can effectively max at 30,uplink goes up forever and affects literally everything.
... The idea of setting up a premium subscription for an A.I.-generated gacha game is... baffling, especially when it's as threadbare as it is now, with nothing beyond rolling as a "gameplay" function. You're kinda putting the cart before the horse here by trying to get money before there's anything beyond the most vague proof of concept.
You could, in theory, do something interesting with this, but that just screams sketchiness and a quick get-rich scheme out the gate, to me, I fear.
Ah, excellent. Was worried; always a bit of a bummer when I sit here thinking "... I'd buy this if it was available to be purchased", bwaha. By the way, is the Linux build on Itch presently supposed to try to ping Steam? Forgot all about catching that in the terminal the last time I glanced over at it aeons ago.
Colour me curious, but do you have any plans to enable support through Itch.io directly, or am I just missing the method to do so? I much prefer purchasing/donating here to Steam or SubscribeStar where possible, due to personal issues with the former (ah yes, my account I've had since the platform launched "never existed", good on you, Steam Support), and the faff involved with the other.
Fair. Thankfully, I suppose if all else fails Linux is, by it's nature, free should you happen upon a spare laptop or something between now and then. I'm unable to get crash logs or anything, not quite sure what is actually happening on the system level, unfortunately, or I'd tell you. My own technical knowledge kinda... ends at basic debugging.