well you will have your tablet, u can always write on that or just in a notebook if you have to. Either way, you should still have enough time even if you get nothing done in those 4 days
Recent community posts
you could enter/finish a game for the contest even with the vacation , it all depends on planning. Maybe save the more in depth writing for vacation or whatever you can do on your tablet and work on mechanics/resources before the trip.
I.e. say ur making a shopkeeper game with a crafting mechanic. Before your trip you do some basic planning, iron out how the crafting/selling system will work and create/find the sprites for the various items/characters you know will be in the game. Then on your trip, you write/plan out the story and quests. Then after your trip, put it all together.
It all depends on your time management/ planning skills. Good Luck!
so I've been thinking about what kind of game I wanna make and the idea i came up with kind of got really dark. My game might have the player involved in kidnapping, murder, forced cannibalism, human sacrifice, and turning humans into monsters. I dont plan on making it too explicit, the graphics are all pixels and the bloodier stuff will be either vague animations or fade to black. My main question is, Is this too much? If I were to include these themes, would it be considered too mature for the competition? And therefor be disqualified?