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A member registered Nov 05, 2019

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Yes, I know, and that came to be my build for the robot. But it still doesn't make that much of a difference, on top of the fact that there's absolute no guarantee that you'll get any equipment (which is basically only those two that you mentioned with maybe two other ones?) that gains from the alt always on full. 

With 50% more life, and even with that rule, enemies still have a chunk more life than you (in fact, not taking this rule, puts you into further disadvantage most of the time), then they have double the equipment, which makes it so that enemies that usually have smaller and weak or powerful but not many pieces of equipment (there are few exceptions like the weather changer and Crystalina that don't benefit from double equipment), have a pretty consistent chance of hitting double, and are more likely to be able to do so because they have extra dice! That small advantage of having a little more life instead of an alt becomes minuscule compared to the three colossal advantages that enemies have after the 5th floor. These advantages not only makes the enemies harder to kill and more dangerous in damage, but it also makes most of the elemental effects useless, boiling your strategy to raw damage most of the time. If you freeze one dice, they have tons more, same with burning dice; if you shock an equipment, they have the dice and also an extra equipment anyway, same with weakness. Only way to get anything out of status effects if you waste on the same equipment or those very rarely seen "all dice" or "all equipment" instances (like in gadgets). On the other hand, enemies that use status effects, because of all their attacks and dice, end up inflicting tons of them to you. 

Like I said, it's just too stacked against you to get any sort of fun out of these rounds. I've manage to beat them only through save scumming when I feel like I've finally made a good worthwhile build and then fighting the last enemy before leveling to level 5 100 times over until I get good luck and they get bad luck. 

The one thing that has helped me, that I didn't realize in the first runs (it gave me some motivation to keep playing after I wrote the last comment), is that you can skip a fight with level 5 enemy, in fact, you should skip one since you would want to level up before the boss and have full health. This did make it easier for me, normally skipping one in the 6th floor and getting some health from the next level before the next fight. Knowing this made the levels slightly less frustrating and unbearable, but I still feel like these get unnecessarily too hard most runs. 

Hey, I've returned! I manage to beat the Witch episode and since moved on to the episodes 5 of each character and... it's not fun. I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge but after dying about 20 times with the robot, I turned to save scumming in order to win. It's simply too hard. Even in the base game's "parallel" episode, there were certain rules that helped you out and in this case, it's like hard on top of hard on top of hard. Instead of wanting to start over and seek better equipment, upgrading the right stuff and hoping for better rules and enemy and health placement on each floor, it just seems like by the time you get to floor 5 or so, every enemy is overpowering you no matter what set up you have going for you. It's not fun, it's more like torture and I'm not going to keep playing. I moved on to episode 6 and tried my hand there, but it also seems like it's also stacked against you. I was surprised that you didn't get upgraded equipment since you fighting enemies back to back and it make sense because of the concept of the round. I only played with the warrior and even got beat in the first fight against the thief when he didn't die in the third turn, instead his counter when back to three. So, I don't know if you can upgrade later, in any case, it makes sense to me to start with upgraded equipment anyway. I really did enjoy all of the first 4 episodes for each character, but this last two round are unbearable as they currently stand.  

Thanks for your quick reply! Makes me happy to hear you'll keep updating the mod =) I'd just like to add that I don't dislike the mechanic (as infuriating as it gets sometimes!), it's a play on blood magic with makes a lot of sense. At the same time, I'm overjoyed that the episode will be no more XDXD Hope to play it soon!

(2 edits)

OMG this mod is pure evil! Just as much as the base game, if not more. I'm loving it and hating it just as much! And I completely mean this as good thing XD It's like playing Dicey Dungeons 2 and that's just pretty fantastic. I'd like to say thank you so much for making this.

However, I'm here to complain, just as the base game's Witch Episode 4 is the hardest, I'm finding that is the same case as with this mod, which is fine I guess. I've been dying a lot in it, and it's frustrating as hell. In my last run, I found that there's two super enemies on floor 5 which no matter what I did, there was no way around not dying. With limited life on this floor and two super enemies left, there was absolute no way I was going to beat it. And of course, I didn't. I feel like 2 super enemies, when in the other floors there's super enemies as well, is too much, but that's just my personal opinion.

In the next run, I was able to get Redemption (and this is where my bug report starts), I thought that this was it, the strategy, play Redemption at the end of the battle and get more health for the next one, repeat. First off, I wondered if I could do it twice in a battle, and I guess I can't because the game crashed. Given, this was against Super Stereohead and it was weakened, so I'm not sure if it was because of that, the error was something like Null Object not found (sorry, I didn't screenshot it or anything). I still think that it makes sense that you can only use it once per battle, so maybe instating that would be a good enough fix? You know, similar to other once per battle equipment, although I don't know if it works the same with witch spells. 

No matter, my file was saved and I was able to try again, this time not playing that twice. The main reason that I came here, is because after that battle, after 3 battles in which I had effectively raise my max health by 6 through Redemption, I leveled up and had my 6 extra health taken away from me. Since you normally level up right before the boss this makes this piece of equipment completely and utterly useless since it doesn't save your added health when you level up. I felt like my time had been completely wasted and my strategy, with an item that has high toll for using, had no lasting rewards further than a couple of battles. I don't know if this is intended but it bothered me quite a lot since this is probably the most difficult level (at least so far) and caught me completely off guard. 

I definitely have more opinions on difficulty in other levels, but this one felt completely unfair and not explained and I just couldn't not comment on it right away. 

That was great! I agree with the other comment, it felt like a real episode! Very cohesive and fun, to the point that I wiiiiiish there were more episode! (Here's praying to Lady Luck!) My only complaint is that I think Inferno is phrased incorrectly? I thought it meant it would roll a burned dice, but it inflicts burn to the opponent, it's minor but I would maybe change the phrasing on that? Otherwise, great mod, character and equipment!

You know, I've been playing your mod so much that I wasn't sure if that equipment was from there or not and I wanted to check if that was the case before posting it, but  didn't! Still would be nice to have complementary equipment with a higher value since that Jester episode is very based on that. I understand it¿s difficult to get the balance with difficulty, I was considering how much to detail to write since I'm sure a lot of those things have crossed your mind in some way or another. I do think the one thing that is not intentional that is probably a bug is the Witch's Mana Storm not clearing out the mana after using. 

First thank you for making this, I want you to know that I do appreciate the extra content and it's pretty cool in general. But still, I think the biggest problem with it it's balancing I guess. Dicey Dungeons is an already dificult game most of the time, and that's part of its charm, but the developer has tried to make it as balanced as possible as to avoid the challenge taking away the fun, and doing that I know is a challenge all in itself. 

I'm all for new challenges but you have to be careful because if you make it too difficult, it's no longer fun. I have a few examples and comments on it. The Warrior one where you are "super powerful" until the loud bird boss where now you become not very powerful and you still have to fight a mega powerful enemy... The episode isn't a walk in the park but it's pretty fun, being all powerful and I also appreciate the three pre bosses in the last level. But if on top of three bosses before the final boss, who's a mega powerful boss, you take away my super power ability because of parallel universe Silence, than what's the point? What's the point of having an episode of being "super powerful" and getting it taken away at the very end? If Loud Bird wasn't so powerful at the end and you get Silenced, it could also work, but right now, that whole episode is a little absurd. I get having a powerful enemy, since I'm powerful, but now I'm against a still very powerful and I'm basically powerless, not less powerful (there's a difference). 

Enemies like the biologist and wisp are also over powered because of their looping equipment, it's silly mainly because of their amount of inicial dice and the ability to get more essentially each turn. Wisp can kill you because of resets of equipment and starting with already a lot of dice on top of getting a new die every turn. And the biologist's equipment makes it so that he will most likely have every equipment all the time, healing him completely and getting an extra dice consistently, this happens with a few other enemies too. I'm not saying these aren't cool enemies, they are just slightly op, too many things are going on and it stacks up to level of ridiculousness. I'd say getting more dice each turn is fine, but then make it so that they start with one or two die (like Cornelious), or if there's a looping mechanic, make it so that that they don't have enough dice to consistently make the loop happen, etc. 

Then there's bosses that also are ridiculous, like It which I got in a witch episode (by the way, the Witch episode in where you get damage because of mana, the ability doesn't work right, it does not clear up your mana after using it). The episode itself was dificult enough (as difficult as witch episodes are) but that final boss is just a slap to the face. I don't see any universe where I could beat it (I don't see any universe where the Warrior can beat Loud Bird either to be honest). The problem is its attacks, why does it attack AND heal?! Do either and the fight would improve so much more, it could be like there's a chance for 1-9 damage, OR 1-9 heal. It's still hella difficult, but at least it improves your chances AND your spirit. And, of course, the unnecesary extra die each turn just make you feel even more hopeless... AND on top of that there's the extra move, I mean, there's too much going on. 

Ok, now on to the Jester's new equipment, which I actually really like the delayed mechanic, however, and this is more minor the the others, it bothers me to no end how unbalanced it is in respect to dice values. You see, in the base game for example, the jester uses things like bop (+3 dice value for 3 damage) and boop (any value for 2 damage), but for slapsies and concentration and all these you have mostly low value dice, making high value dice unable to be used most of the time. I think you could change this simply by making one  of the equpments use just +4 dice value, just so you have somewhere to put that dice, it could be a status effect, maybe Fury or something like that, or just like a X amount of damage in 2 turns, sort of like upgraded blink, but without extra damage or something like that. 

Another thing that I wanted to mention is the extra floor episodes. I don't mind that at all, but if there's no extra level to level up to (I don't even know if thats possible through modding), it just makes it like extra enemies wandering around. You can just skip them because there's no reward. I don't know if you intended it to be, instead, like an extra challenge so that you don't necessarilly go to the final boss with full health, but I don't know. If that's the way you intended it, I guess it's ok, but I feel like it would be way better to just have an extra floor, extra level so it plays like a normal run but longer. 
I think... that's all... Other than that I really enjoyed it and hope to keep seeing you updated it =D (Oh, look a new update XD)