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A member registered Apr 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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We revisited your world today and couldn't see a counter in the world. The new team also thought the content might be inappropriate to feature, though it is presented innocently. We won't be featuring the world in the row, but we wish you luck finding an audience through the Community Labs system.

We revisited the world today with a fresh group. While we were able to trigger the monkey effect, the scoreboard did not update at all for one of our users, and the total distance never updated for anyone. Ultimately, the group thought there just wasn't enough here to feature, we won't be adding the world to the Featured row. However, we hope you find an audience that appreciates what you have made through the Community Labs system.

We revisited the world today with a mostly-fresh group so they could explore the world with someone who knew some of the secrets. The new people did manage to trigger the 'bop' effect in the mirror but didn't understand the significance, and some couldn't trigger it at all until they rejoined. I'm sorry, but we won't be adding the world to the Featured row. However, we hope you find an audience that appreciates what you have made through the Community Labs sytem.

We revisited the world today with a mostly-fresh group so they could explore the world with someone who knew some of the secrets. Unfortunately, the attendees felt that the Respawn effect was mostly irritating, and didn't understand why it was happening. They assumed it was broken until the person in-the-know told them. Additionally, the player on Desktop couldn't activate any of the braziers. I'm sorry, but we won't be adding the world to the Featured row. However, we hope you find an audience that appreciates what you have made through the Community Labs sytem.

We'll take another look, thanks.

Thanks for the extra info! We figured there was something in the mirror since you hint at it, but I guess we didn't linger long enough. We'll take another look.

Thanks for letting us know - we'll take another look at your world.

Thanks for the info! We'll take another look at the world with that in mind. It might be helpful to hint at this functionality, as players might think it unintentional / buggy and leave if they don't have a way to confirm what's going on.

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations! 

FYI our playtesters got easily stuck in the valley around the starting block and found it frustrating how hard it was to get around the playfield. They recommend you have an easier-to-navigate field.

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Your world has been featured in the row for the JokeJam, congratulations!

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time,  we could not find any interactivity or inclusion of the required technical elements. If you make updates and would like us to revisit the world, you can let us know here.

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time,  our playtesters found the audio too loud, and without the resources to translate all the audio we cannot feature it.

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time, our playtesters thought it was a bit too buggy and early-in-development to include it. If you continue work on it and would like us to revisit it, let us know here.

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time, we could not see a counter in your world. Could you tell us which action is being tracked? If you can provide this, we can revisit your world to consider adding it to the row.

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time,  we didn't feel that it was a great fit for the theme. If you'd like to explain how this world makes you laugh, we can revisit it with that in mind.

Thanks for submitting to the jam! Your world was not chosen for the featured row at this time, we did not feel like there was anything in the world that fit the theme very well. If we missed something and you'd like our playtesters to revisit, let us know.