very fun, but I have a few qualms
- The entire reload mastery set in combination to the reload bomb is extraordinarily good, so good that I barely even need a strategy if I decide to use that mastery in combo with a weapon like the blaster-SG12
- the summoner and rooted set, on the other hand, are very weak for their own respective reasons that I don't want to go in depth for but here's the short form: there aren't enough summoner upgrades, and even less that give mastery points, in order to substitute an entire playstyle. Even if you get very lucky and get all the best upgrades (turret, dog, turret upgrade and mastery), most summons are usually off doing their own thing, instead of whatever you're doing. The rooted mastery upgrades are extremely risky for not a high enough reward. the only one worthy of taking is the rooted damage, in tandem with the before mentioned blaster-SG12
- Lastly, and this is just a bug, I cannot buy the boom blaster. I am clicking and clicking but it won't let me buy it. which is troublesome because it's the one I'm most interested by.
I'll say it again, the game is REALLY FUN, but these things bothered me for when I wanted to try different playstyles.