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A member registered Jan 02, 2022

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EDIT: I got past that point. But where to find cookies?


Okay, so I'm at the point when I can earn a couple 10's of millions SPUs per reset, but all costs are in the 100's of M (or more, the cheapest tree branch costs 1B)), and I'm nowhere near the 750 cores needed to beat Injection 5. Hacking Anonymous is also best left alone on its astronomical time scale. What am I missing/doing wrong?

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Really fun and addictive game. Btw I maxed out the advanced level-up skill (for now, 6 levels). That would, statistically speaking, yield at least one advanced skill 3 out of 4 times when leveling up. I actually had such a rate before, when t was level 5. Not any longer, though, not even close. Is it a bug, extreme misfortune, or does low security/integrity affect this upgrade in ways it doesn't others?

Also, the same old design flaw still exists: in extremely high DM galaxies in extremely high G universes, extremely large planets spawn (up to T's of km in diameter), and they completely blot out the screen. In addition, these galaxies have systems with only gas giants, meaning there is no way to "colonize" them or even build a shipyard to conquer the rest of the cluster.

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Another weird but non-critical bug: when digging all the way to the core, the resulting volcano will become 1x1 ash tile - unless the digging spot is surrounded by mineral extractors, in which case both the volcano and the surrounding ash field spawn correctly.

Weird bug in galaxy view: when enabling the color scale to look for high luminosity stars, after entering a system and returning to the galaxy view, the scale is broken. The max point (red color) is changed to a lower value so that a good part of the galaxy is red now, without any indication of something changing (i.e. I don't see the undo-custom-values arrow). Switching to a different view and back kinda fixes the problem but is annoying to do after looking at each system.

I haven't tested if the other views are affected, too. I never encountered similar bug in cluster view.

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Two recurring bugs in the new release:

1. Performance problems. Quite often, clicked galaxies just don't generate, leaving me with an unkillable loading bar on the screen that only game restart fixes (but then the galaxy in question won't be generated, ever). I have a pretty strong config, so hardware is certainly not an issue. The affected galaxies are usually high (1000+) DM ones.

EDIT: once the bug is in, many other galaxies generate but incompletely (e.g. 10 to 20 systems instead of thousands) or even completely empty.

2. Terraforming huge planets (1G+) in insanely high DM galaxies (10k+) still break the game (same thing I mentioned above: costs and XP generation get permanently broken in the universe). Since those planets would be important for further progress (even though their graphics is ugly covering most of the screen and the star itself, not to mention their physical impossibility), it would be great to have some solution on that one.

EDIT2: the inventory looks ugly, too when over 100 slots, but that's a minor cosmetic issue completely dwarfed by the stability and calculation problems. I don't know if those were introduced in the newest release, or it's just me who reached the stage where they are triggered, but I've never encountered a single one of those issues before.

EDIT 3 (I know this is getting a huge wall of text): when terraforming planets in a partially generated galaxy (i.e. a dozen starts instead of 100's or thousands), I noticed two things:

a) auroras blink for a moment, and then disappear. Don't know about their effects, though.

b) all is fine and dandy as long as I stay in the system, but as soon as I go up a level to galaxy view, the galaxy is "generated" again (at least those dozen or so systems), and whatever system I had before, all buildings included, is gone.

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1. Sounds great, thanks!

2. Now it works, I wrote the comment before the update.

3. I believe it was plutonium. Now that I have an advanced game and can easily get to Z/Y money and lvl 100+ using just my home planet, I only bother with standard drive when I forget to change it back to Pu after a game restart (couldn’t you make overlays, drive choices, etc. persistent btw?)

+1: a great QoL upgrade could be a buy all function for mineral upgrades and researches. Late game it involves a lot of manual clicking.

+2 another cool feature for late game would be some overlay(s) that help us navigate between clusters. The ones I personally use the most (for obvious reasons) are no. of galaxies, highest field strength, and above all else, highest dark matter.

Some glitches/ideas regarding the new features:

1. There are too many broken megastructures, disabling the terraforming of otherwise valuable planets. Even that aside, it would be nice to have the option (either by default or as a tech) to downgrade and dismantle megastructures (or even gigastructures for that matter).

2. When encountering a level 0 broken megastructure, I can't repair it. The tooltip says I lack the technology, which I clearly don't (unless there is a hidden tech somewhere).

3. The ancient structures on the planets could be upgradeable and dismantleable. Also, the home planet's ancient shipyard seems to give XP to my ships regardless of where they are. Very nice as I hated the previous versions' battle XP grinding aspect, but maybe not working as intended.

As a general summary of the above, I believe that by late game, having become the leading star empire in control of entire superclusters, I should be able to do with structures what I damn well please. :)

Never mind, the XP issue miraculously solved itself after a couple of game restarts. However, you might want to look into the bug of purchases enabled past money and energy limit. I don't know if the Gkm+ planet size or the high amounts involved (over 1e45) caused it, might want to check both.

Oops, looks like I accidentally broke the game. I discovered an insane system with planet sizes in G kilometers, and thought I'd test if they could house enough buildings to compete with the new, buffed gigastructures. I found that I could upgrade them (i.e. the buy window numbers remained green) past my actual money and energy capacity. When I did, the upgrade happened, but I stopped earning XP.  Starting a new universe didn't help, neither did a dimension reset. I don't earn any XP anymore, anywhere. So, now I'm stuck with a broken save I put many hours into. Could you please let me know how I can submit it so that you can take a look and hopefully debug it? Thanks!

Thanks for the improvements, especially the galaxy killer! :)

As for bugs, here's an interesting (and quite old) one: if you take the Solar system via conquer all or fighters (quite possible in later universes where you can build enough on your home planet to reach lvl 60, gather all 4 ships, and then steamroll through your home system), you never get the solar panel. Nix, nada, not a chance.

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While pushing toward even stranger universes, I discovered another design glitch. So, as soon as dark matter reaches extreme levels (in excess of 100), converting those galaxies into gigastructures becomes unfeasible due to insane stone requirements.

What do I mean?

As I noticed, max. system size is 50 planets. At my level, the largest planets were between 1.5 and 1.7 Mkm, 2 to 4 of those per system. Based on that assumption, I would have to have PK'd some thousand systems (manually, as there is no auto-PK) to be able to convert an 1000-DM galaxy. Sure, it would have been a powerhouse (meaning my main source of minerals/research wouldn't have been imbalanced terraformed planets or megastructures anymore), but who would do so much manual work?

Besides the necessary late-game rebalancing, a stone-/metal-producing gigastructure would be nice - or the possibility to buy stone. I mean, you can already buy any amount of any material at a fixed price (which is quite unrealistic), so why not stone?

Do you plan to introduce "terastructures", i.e. some sort of mechanism where one can convert an entire cluster and dedicate it to some task the same way gigastructures do with galaxies?

Btw the gigastructure calculation is borked in late game. Once gravity and other parameters are getting high (not very high - about 8 to 10 G is more than enough), converting individual super-/hypergiant stars into Dyson spheres/Matrioshka brains provides more energy/E store/research than converting the entire galaxy into a gigastructure. Even though one can build those an individual megastructures then convert the whole galaxy and retain both bonuses (bug or feature?), the gigastructure should as per formal logic be at least as effective as the sum of all normal and megastructures that otherwise could be built there, right?

Another mostly esthetic mid-/late game stuff: when discovering huge systems (well in excess of 10,000 AU in diameter), it is not possible to zoom out completely, making the outer planets practically invisible and unusable.

The only common thing I found is that the bug always seems to occur in universes where time goes faster. Maybe the time factor messes with the traveling time vs. energy/coal formula?

Also, a mostly esthetic one: if you fire an upgraded planet killer, all planets in the system disappear at once - at least visually. They can't be accessed or seen any more, but they remain in the PK's menu and can be harvested. Since I don't think many players would build a PK and then not harvest the entire system, this might not be a crucial bug, but it is a well-reproducible one.

Hi, I found a bug. I don't know what triggers it exactly, but happened to me twice that after a coal speed-up, my fleet got stuck in an ETA 00:00 stage. The green line remained, the fleet never arrived, I couldn't start the battle, and if I moved the screen, the fleet icon moved with it, too, as though two layers that should have been one got separated.

See here:

This renders my fleet permanently unusable, potentially screwing up my entire universe.

So far, I've been lucky to encounter this in extra universes so that I could just build a new triangulum probe, but if it ever occurs in a primary universe before the gigastructure stage, my entire save will be as good as gone. Hope you can fix this. :)

Wait, does the game keep track of different types of stone whereas the player only sees "stone" as a single resource? In that case, it would be nice to be able to pick the type of stone to be dismantled in the atom manipulator. Since I almost always have way more stone than disintegration capacity, I'd obviously like to process the best batch.

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Hey, another bug: in universe 5, atomic manipulators stop generating osmium from stone crushing (that did work in previous universes), which effectively stifles the gigastructure step.

EDIT: and now, all of a sudden, without doing any new research or anything of note, it works. Might want to look into it nevertheless.

Subatomic manipulators can only break down atoms in my second and third universes but not build them. All researches are complete, and subatomic works fine in my prime universe. Any universe parameter that might kill that functionality or is that a bug?