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A member registered Feb 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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ooo, exciting -- this has much !BUIDL potential -- excited to see what people make with it! appreciate you! :pepeheart:

ooo, another fun component -- very satisfying on a visual/feedback level! I could see this being combined with some sort of gamified behavior that removes the tile you just walked on after leaving it (platformer games). Nice work! Also I know at least one community member who will love this (bc floooors).

ooo -- this is super cool and satisfying -- hadn't even thought of something like this, nice work! One recommendation I'd make for iteration is to perhaps lock movement on the X and Z axis while climbing the ladder/moving vertically on the Y-axis -- that way it would feel more like a ladder (and you wouldn't accidentally fall off on the right/left) vs. a rock wall (you could also have a version that still functions with the left/right for a rock wall/vines/etc -- another surface where you'd expect lateral movement vs. vertical alone). Super cool regardless though!

(1 edit)

Love the idea you had on this 🔴🔵 -- I know you worked hard on getting it to function! Shows sunny here which I think should match the forecast today -- like Mungi said, would be awesome to be able to manually set location/coordinates to test the Component. Very ambitious concept though (and super interesting concept) -- appreciate your out-of-box thinking on these Component jams, B.Dot!

BTW, the dynamic sky component you had based on time/location -- you had that pretty close to working the other week, right, but didn't submit it yet? Perhaps consider submitting that one to the jam that's running now!

(1 edit)

Niiice -- I remember the iteration you had on this in V1 last year -- love seeing it come full circle in V2! (Brilliant use of the NPC Guide as well as your CTA, and recurring use of a branded template each jam -- really neat foundational example there alone imo!)
One Note: I got Procyon on both AI NPCs -- sounds like the one on the right is supposed to be GPT? Works great as PoC regardless though! Also, I know at least one user that's been waiting for an AI NPC -- perhaps we can link the two of you to help him get the Numinia AI NPC working in one of his spaces!

So fun to tinker with the physics alone (also love the icon-style graphics you've been doing for these) -- between the in-world UI and the different options for balls and physics this is just so good!

So good -- absolutely love that it's multiplayer as well (Tic.Tac.TOE). Killer work gh0st and Curry!

Like mungi said, so many use case applications for these (instantly thought of one in combination with oncyber) -- brilliant work once again, Dash!

Like mungi said, so many use case applications for these (instantly thought of one in combination with oncyber) -- brilliant work once again, Dash!

ooo -- two th0nks:

A) add collisions for mini earthcoaster ride, orrr...
B) ...combine it with a camera scroller + some AI magic + music tunes for a WinAmp-era-Llama-booty-kicking visualizooor

ooo -- it's like the Getting Started game timer but with milliseconds, better UX, and a custom restart UI -- vvv. nice, I like it moar!

(2 edits)

oncyber dance party* starter kit: this.

* remember those? it been a hot sec.

PS: link in text description is not the one those droids are looking for.

What a nice day for a moving component, Jules! 🌞

ooo -- loved the password version of the space gating in v1 -- and in-world password gating was def always on the wishlist -- excited to see your team put this to use in Numinia (and others beyond)!

Niiice -- key-trigger in-world teleport was one of my most-wanted features in V1 and I never got around to getting it working in V2 -- this will be super handy to have! (Love including the two variants as well!)

Love the demo -- animating scale in Blender is one of my favorite ways to smoothly transition objects into view in a scene -- great to see that here! One thought is that it might be a little more UX-friendly to make this a Behavior so you can attach it to desired components to save some space in the World Items list, but it may depend on the use case.

ooo, interesting -- I think I might need a little more information to understand how it works, but easier frontend access to rotation is a great initiative!

ooo, positional audio has been one of the V1 features I've missed most for audio -- nice! Would love to get under the hood and try it out, but it looks like you may need to tick remix on. 🕵️

ooo, this could be super handy -- reset behavior is something I ten to leave till the end of my games (if I get to it at all, heh) -- been waiting for an easy solve for that, looks like this could be the one!

mungi always with the surprise bangers -- :hmm: feels like there's potential for this to be gamified into some type of herding game without too many leaps. 

eee, made my skin crawl -- very lifelike with the way they swarm -- impressed by the iteration on the wildlife theme, B.Dot!

ooo, this ones gives the Official Birb component a run for its money with the added customization -- nice!

The 🔵🔴 returns with a banger -- honestly quite impressed with this one. Well done, B.Dot!

ooo -- this will be handy for so many use cases (and it's super satisfying on its own as a demo, even) -- killing it as per, gh0st! 👻

Whoah, Summer's ready for their close-up! Extremely cool, Dash -- I'll have to show this one to my photographer friends (I've been trying to convince them how rad oncyber is for ages -- perhaps this will speak their language).

Also love how detailed your documentation for this Behavior is (with a changelog to boot) -- much respect!

Thank you Jules! Just updated with an improved version that's closer to v1 using mouse look (s/o to gh0st for helping me improve it this morning)!

whoah -- T, this is like nintendo level polish/visuals -- brilliant, you legend! (also love that you voiced this yourself!)

fantastic look and theme -- another creative banger from the land of numinia -- well done, teem!

spectacular work (and deeply nostalgic -- feels like I just stepped back into my childhood bedroom with all the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling) -- top-notch remix use of art and sound all around!

the pizza sound effect had me rolling -- loved how the 3D render pizza pieces pop off that background too -- killer work, kev! now I'm gonna need to go eat some 🍕...

the pizza sound effect had me rolling -- loved how the 3D render pizza pieces pop off that background too -- killer work, kev! now I'm gonna need to go eat some 🍕...

the 🔵🔴 returns with a surprise pepe quadrilogy -- really digging the control tweaks, quite a sense of gravity and added challenge with that drop!

kinect what? 🤯approach to browser-based controls -- wouldn't have guessed it was possible.

love the background and all the art -- putting those alpha skills to work, killer job boaz!

love the neonglitch avatar and wallet art theming -- appreciate your initiative and patience with this remix, mlow!

always painting masterpieces on the cyber canvas 🖼️only thing missing is some ethereal audio to match the fog vibes.

super impressed by the introduction of the rockets as additional collision obstacles -- killer work, pro!

the music sync works crazy well organically -- wish I could use the XCOPY fire react here. 

Stealth edit just now right before the dedline, as per :kekkek: (pretty much the same but a ~little~ better now).
