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A member registered 61 days ago

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Does the book only spawn if you haven't escaped with it? I don't recall seeing it since.  If so, can it be made to spawn in for extra challenge and replayability? 

Same. Plz bring back the booty

What, why? Do they tell you why?

How about a "free look" button so you can look behind you or around while running away?

I posted it. If it disappears, I'm easy to find. Just search for my name or for the name of the game and I show up pretty quick.

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Short clip of weight gain on Bella. She had already digested one and she digested two more in this clip.

(1 edit)

Someone uploaded some earlier in that now deleted post and then they disappeared, and another of my own comments disappeared, too. I fear there may be some sort of censorship going on here and that post would disappear as well

I'll look into it. I prefer local though, instead of relying on a company's api. My current problem is the "smartness" of the ai that controls the character. Command R + is a pretty huge model and even it is struggling with the map layout instructions. The character teleports from floor to floor ignoring positionings, and hears me from across the map.

I'm still adjusting the instructions and trying the lorebook approach for sillytavern for the map.

I might try it with claude to see if any ai can comprehend the map

I don't think there are stages, it appears to be dynamic. It definitely becomes more noticeable the more students she eats. I have a few videos made of trying to get her as big as she can get and will upload them later.

I tried to do one for Bella but for local, but even   a large model like command r plus couldn't comprehend the map (because I also included the map layout) 
I don't know if character ai's llm would fare better, but that place got super censored a few years ago and that may make the core character suffer in performance

Anyone else experiencing any kind of choppiness when turning? I find myself constantly getting caught on things when running due to this and find it difficult to use a student as a  shield  in a hurry.  I feel a lot of my runs have ended because  the turning doesn't feel smooth to me.

Apologies, I forgot that potentially adding new preds is literally right there in the might add section. Your mechanic idea sounds like it would be the easiest pred in the game, even with two random ones. I think the complete opposite would make for a more challenging experience. A large, slow, lumbering pred that just wanders, but will chase you, quickly, if looked at. Sort of like the enderman I guess.

In two pred mode it would be rather difficult, cutting off areas of the map while you actively try to avoid the other.

These might be too much of a deviation from the stealth focus though.

I think Ghost has said that this is the release and probably does not want to add more stuff, and is probably just going to focus on tweaks until satisfied.

However, someone may find inspiration from your idea, whether it be the originally intended recipient or someone else.

I like how the camera follows around the pred until she spits up your bones, a very nice improvement over the purple screen game over in the demo.

The weight gain is also very nice.

Who doesnt?

I also prefer the original Bella. Perhaps if ghost adds the outfit option, there could be an option to switch between the two based on preference, that way everyone is happy and no model goes unused.

What about editing the existing footstep sound and speeding it up or slowing it to make one with a different pitch?