love this thing ,
i made some personal changes to it so its always active ( no need for a key press cause why would i turn it off ) and i can just switch to the ai and it keeps zooming around my fields XD
thanks for this awesome mod
i had fun on this map it looks great until i bought farmland 18 , NOT field 18 , because thats another stupid thing , the buyable land numbers are different from the normal map numbers .
but back to farmland 18 it is surrounded by trees but u cant cut trees. how stupid is that and more important WHY NOT
this is exactly why pirate sites stay up . beta games are for testing and giving feedback to the developer so they dont need to PAY employers to do the testing . these days WE the gamers have to PAY for TESTING nothing to do with playtime. supporting games that are great i dont have a problem with , what i DO have a problem with is PAYING MORE to be a betatester so the regular gamers that dont give a shit about testing that PAY to play a game. have a lot less of a buggy game for less MONEY