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Waifu Trash family

A member registered Apr 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Try redownloading our new file!

This is the end

We are not allowed any monetization, donation or otherwise.


We are currently ending the project here.

For now we're working on translations.

Thanks! The update is out now!


Sorry, we currently have no plans to make an Italian version of the game. 

However, if someone volunteers to translate the game into Italian, that's certainly something we can do.  


Hello there~
Thanks for you interest in this project :D

The revamped demo will feature the main cast, which is in part revealed by the the current version, that you'll get to meet and start familiarizing with...

... In short yes

~ Suhiro ~

Hi there~
Thanks for your interest in the project!

While you won't find her in this demo, your question may find an answer in the revamped demo that is currently in production ;)
(Subtlety subtlety, wink wink)

~ Suhiro ~


Firstly, thanks for you interest.
If you really are adamant to work on that, you can join our discord and apply for a translator position:
I can't guarantee a positive answer, but you can try at least


Hi there~

Thanks for your support, really appreciate it.
We hope to live up to your expectations for this project in  the future :D



Thanks for your interest in our project :D
At the moment, no translation is planned. If the demand for a language were to justify the workload, and it is a language at least one member of the team can handle, we'll consider the thought though ;)



Thank you for playing, happy to know you enjoyed the demo! We are currently working on a longer demo, you can look forward to it ;)
For the little history, this demo is a shortened version of an already shortened version of what we initially planned before realizing we wouldn't make it to the Community Content Contest without shortening the length.

Regarding your questions:

  • We have a list of girls that will be romanceable for sure (don't think we have to tell who) and are looking into which other ones to add to both satisfy our vision and the community's wishes
  • M16's case will be answered with the next version of the demo ;)

Hoping to see your feedback in future, and counting on you for support \o/


Thank you for the support :D
NSFW content is something that we have yet to discuss about among the team, but I'd advise you to curb your expectations regading it :/


Thank you for your support :D
We'll be counting on your continuous feedback throughout development then ;)


Thanks for the interest and support :D
We will do our best so as not to fail your expectations!


Thank you for the interest you manifest in our project :D
We hope the plans we have devised regarding Sangvis' fate will please you ;)
