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Waldomiro Romão

A member registered Apr 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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i really liked how big the game actually was. for a jam, that's rather impressive! i think  it only needs more thought about level desing and enemy placements. (also thanks for introducing a great song to me)

Really fun game! :D Controls very well and the ideia is very well implemented.

Thank you for commenting! We got a little bit desorganized during the production for the jam and didn't have time to fine tune our game and add some final assets. D: We are correting this things now and are gonna update this soon. :D

How come?

Hey, thanks! Glad you liked it!

Thanks! I actually made most later levels in the same day of submission, so I didn't really had the time to play test. ): 

Your game is pretty good! I really liked how the scrolling text helped contextualize the mindscape sequences. Solid plataformer controls too, just wish there were some way to see the ranking.