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A member registered Mar 14, 2022

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damn that was actually really good

nice game with a really interesting core mechanic! only trouble is the easiest way to win for me was to just spam little guys which kinda removes some of the stratergy of it. still a great game tho.

This game was adorable and tons of fun!

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This is adorable, and i love it. the art style, music and general athstetic are so cute, I just wish there were more buildings and things. aside from that, though, i loved every second of this!

just replayed it after a while since my original playthrough, and this is still one of my favorite story games ever.

i love this game so much. it just too cute, its super sweet and okay, maybe i did cry when the owner hugged the ball, so what? this game is bittersweet, adorable and i honestly don't know how to describe it. i just can't with this game. I'm too happy but also very sad. would recommend, especially to someone who has lost a pet in the past. it really encapsulates that energy really well. just so, so sweet.

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you really had to rickroll me when i won?

aside from that great game and i raged after my first attempt cuz i had one sip from a cup to go

this game is adorable and i stayed up til' 3am playing it a couple days back but fell asleep in my chair like 2 minutes after I finished it while thinking about the ending and forgot to review it


such a great game, with lovable characters, relationships, a beautiful art style, and a great climax and emotional resolution. the way the two main characters met and slowly became closer and closer throughout the story was lovely, and I just clicked on it cuz it looked cool without reading any comments, and about when the second interview-thingy with the turtle was over and they were about to start playing cards, i called it that these two were boutta' be in love. adorable, 11/10.

this is one of the funniest games ever I can't stop laughing




this is just adorable, and i can't think of another word to describe it.

aside from....cozy mabye? ;)

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this game has no excuse for being this goo

the visuals are beautiful, the action is, fun, fast-paced, and exciting, the music is cool and the story is cliché, but fun and in general I really liked it. the visuals are  incredible and look stunning, for a 2d pixelated game.

i wish this had a bigger budget cuz if it did so it could be a larger game that would be so cool

great but im WAYYYY to much of a wuss to finish omgomgom

I loved this game, but was kinda hoping for like a miniboss or something at the end. no offense to this person though! i know game developing is hard (do it myself) and loved the game overal

i can't find anything to do with this but i think that's it's a good theory and at this point im just talking to myself, aren't i

also he wasnt home and lied to me

also he says that he can't walk to me for some reason

bro the boyfriend is the guy chasing you isn't he omg i literally just spoke to him and his acting weird not answering a lot of my sentences and says he can't pick me up imma check to see if this is in an ending but i dunno

this game is just straight-up really cool and I love the idea behind it. underrated game just sayin

such an original idea! I'm surprised this isn't more popular! it is a little blurry and odd in stylization and gameplay but it is such an interesting, fascinating, and great idea and concept that I really liked it. I just think it could've been a bit longer

me to

Dude I only just found this game and it is great. would like a powerplant or theme park map if ur still working on it cuz I haven't seen anything done with the game as of recent, and though it is a fun and legitimately scary sometimes draft (that or I'm just a wuss) it would be nice to see u come back to it

yea i know when i wrote this i was just raging that i made it REALLY far into the game and then died towards the end

incredible game and a very interesting take on a classic RPG game, but I don't like the fact that you restart the entire game if you die, I would just rather that it would restart the area. like the little areas that have three stages each. aside from that, great game and it doesn't have enough popularity with how good it is