Is this still being worked on? No updates for a year, and it's close to a year with no activity on Patreon.
Wandering Mind
Recent community posts
Just thought I'd bring this up, as I don't know if anyone else is experiencing the same issue.
I am unable to download the game using the Windows app. I am able to use a browser and download it, but not through the app.
I was able to download through the app until recently. I had removed the game from one of my drives, as I was moving all games to a bigger hard drive. After I removed the game through the app, I was not able to download through the app.
**end edit**
All your "old" cards are much better than any of mine! LOL
Thanks for the reminder about joining your Patreon, I keep forgetting to do so!
I don't suppose there is any easy way to create a filter for those that purchased it before a certain date, and have it send a notification, or email, with a link to get a steam key, which is only usable once?
Looks like I purchased it back in Nov, 2022 if that helps? I can't remember if that was day 2 or 3. (I checked my email for purchase date!)
Just some thoughts