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A member registered May 10, 2024

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Tbh, mine crashes too, but rarely. It does whenever I spam options (for example is whenever I farm resources). All I do is save occasionally. 

Give her lots of romance novels. 

Have you talked to both night and day witch?

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I've been waiting for this (laughs maniacally)


All hail Hyao and his team!! 

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I recently just answered someone with with the similar problem, their names Soli1248741, scroll a little and you'll find them

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Yes, there will be.

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First, open a file manager and navigate to main storage > android > data > com.r3nn.ld > files. Copy the "saves" folder and "log.txt" files. Next, paste and upload them to a cloud storage service like Google Drive (make sure you have all the necessary account details).

When setting up your new phone, install the same file manager. Log in to your Google Drive account there to access the uploaded files. Copy the "saves" folder and "log.txt" from the drive, then navigate to main storage > android > data > com.r3nn.ld > files on the new phone. Replace the existing "saves" file with the copies you just made.

Or simply just use a flash drive if you have one.

You can search on lustful desires wiki "sanity ending". It's listed there, as well as how to get them. 

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Hola, el español no es mi lengua materna, así que solo estoy usando un traductor. Aquí tienes las formas de conseguir estos ingredientes:

Para el lirio de agua, puedes dar un paseo alrededor del estanque en el bosque o comprarlo a la bruja.

Para la esencia azul, la puedes conseguir matando a los limos azules que también puedes encontrar en el bosque por la noche.

Para las hojas de súcubo, hay un 12% de probabilidad de obtener de 1 a 2 hojas explorando el pantano; también puedes comprarlas a la bruja por la noche.

Para la esencia verde, también se encuentran en el pantano, necesitas matar a los limos verdes.

Espero que esto te ayude.

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That it! I got the option, I'll finish it to the end and edit if it works. 

Edit: it worked! Thanks. 

I thought I needed likes from Dulrig himself and I had no idea how to gain some

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I actually still haven't got it (cries). I don't know why. I mean, I know I got everything right. I ate him out no more than 2 times, protected him from the 2 emerine golems at turn 11, then just walked around until he was done to give him 5 emerine crystals. After all of that, we'll just go home. The option to "ignore his hand" never appeared the whole trip. What's wrong??? Aozoranokumo said I need to do the discount talk too, and I've already done it. I need help.

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That theory also crossed my mind; however, to connect it with my other theory of the teacher being a part of the Bentley family, what if we are too? Remember, people don't know much about that family as they prefer to live in isolation. Only a few members are known to exist, as mentioned by the Quartermaster who also stated that they don't know if Lord Salvador has any children. What if we are one of his children? Did our teacher kidnap us? Were we abandoned by the family and then found by our teacher? Or did Lord Salvador entrust our teacher to take care of us in an attempt to save us, knowing that someone... 

or something would come to take the entire Bentley family?

Then after our teacher discovered that the family had vanished, he went to investigate what had happened to try and help our real father. For now, we actually don't know if he's still alive; he's probably been taken as well. Our MC, who's prolly the last of his bloodline, will be the one to save everyone...

I had so much fun writing this xD!

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Did you guys recommended Bareshade? or Northcrest? to Paulo and John. 

I offered them Bareshade, it just seemed much safer than NC at the time. I saw in the LD wiki that the event can progress a bit more if you suggested NC, was it a bad idea?? 

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What do you think about Caleb? If we choose not to save him, imagine that dumb mutt becomes a wild monster of the night, roaming around the forest like a predator, kidnapping anyone he can to fuck with them. 

Then there's also a chance for us to be fucked by him whenever we stroll at night, or we see a CG of him ramming a stranger.

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This is exhilarating, lol. Here are my current thoughts about this game:

1. There are trinkets, right? As far as I know, they are sought after by many—Nameless, Witch, Ruben, heck, even our master could be trying to get his hands on them, and possibly other people too. But... Why? I believe that those trinkets (which I think are orbs) could grant power or extend one's life, or maybe even both. For now, we don't know what Nameless and Mirage are trying to accomplish. But for Ruben, we know he's trying to extend his life. Think about it, Father's heart could be one of those orbs. He said that he wasn't born an emerine golem. If I remember correctly, he was on the verge of death, but then something saved him. It extended his life. What if collecting all of the trinkets could grant immortality? I think Mirage will try to kill Father for that. By the way, did you guys give Nameless both of the trinkets, or just one?

2. Our master could be lying to us. He said in his letter that he left to take care of an urgent matter. If he did do that, there's a chance that he's currently in the Stormclaw tribe, probably trying to help the orcs get out ( I thought he could be there cuz it's the last place we still haven't unlocked yet ) , or in other parts of Aigran. If not that... What if he's part of the Northcrest's Bentley family? Remember, we don't know his origin, not even his real name. Could he be Lord Salvador? The Bentley family are alchemists who excel at creating medicine. They're probably the ones who made Wraithfever in Mythshore, though I don't see any reason why they would do that. It could be an accident too. Anyways, we don't know for sure if our master is a good guy or a bad guy, though I think he cares for us, I just hope we don't get to kill him. 

3. The Bentley Family vanished. Could they be running from their responsibilities in Mythshore? Were they taken? If they were taken, it would either be Nameless or Witch who did that, as they're the only ones who can do it without leaving any trace. Or they probably left on their own will too. Nameless and Witch ask people to take their sides. They even did that to us. The question is always why? Why would they need alchemists? All I know is that in the world of Aigran, potions are more powerful than swords...

I'm sure I'm wrong in a lot of aspects in these theories as there are a lot of missing key details. But yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

You're welcome. :) 

I don't think you can, it'll kinda ask you "Would you really wanna do that in front of his whole tribe?" 

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Hmm, that's odd. You seem to have already completed all of the requirements, and most of the time, it works. You mentioned that you haven't met with the Night Witch in your current save. Try doing that, I think that's it. 

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Logan will visit you in your forest hut.

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You're welcome. :) 

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Have you unlocked the Iron Blood Village? And did you had nightmares with Nameless? (if I remember correctly, you're supposed to have 2 nightmares about him)

 If you did and it still doesn't work, could you perhaps post a screenshot of your progress of the lizards treasure event and nameless

(also, I think it's a bug that occurs for almost everyone, I too, had it) 

Is there something wrong with the Munbury trip with Dulrig? I have completed all the requirements but I can't seem to get the heart. I searched and found that there is an option to "ignore his hand" on the way to the cave, but that option didn't appear in my case. Is there a certain amount of likes I need to get from him before doing the trip?

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I think it's a bug, have you already done the lizard's treasure?

Did you figure it out? 

You'll need these:

Strong Health Potion, 5 Anti Bleeding Ointment, 5 Meat

Your imaginations are wild bro💀

Poor logan... 

tho I think he'll like that... 

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I kinda don't get the problem... 

could you please elaborate more. 

To see the crow sent by the witch, you would need to repeatedly sleep until morning in your hut. 

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Ah, I see what you meant now. Firstly, for Dulrig, yes, if it is a requirement to be a bottom to receive a heart from him, then it is necessary. I'll post the recipe for the bottom potion here, also be sure to have at least 5 green emerine in your invertory (it says it's a requirement). Secondly, to get Logan's third heart, I recommend that you save a file in your hut around 20:00, then take a nap repeatedly. If the time reaches 4:00 and he still hasn't shown up, load the saved file and repeat the process. Keep doing this until he appears—it's a random chance.

I hope this helps.

And don't worry about your English, just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it. 

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Firat?? If you meant the festival, as far as I know you just have to start the assembly event and then invite Everett to the official meeting. They'll be there every Sunday after that I think. Correct me if I'm wrong tho. 


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I'm not sure about your first question. I'm a bottom, and I think I have a pretty good relationship with Dulrig. Could you please be more specifc about the problem you're facing so I could help? Second, Top Logan is really aggressive, so I think you're referring to Bottom Logan. They're probably talking about Bottom Logan being submissive since he's become like a sex machine. You can get Bottom Logan if you encourage him to go to the bandits' camp, though if you do that, you will not be able to have a relationship with him anymore. For your third question, I assume you're trying to get the second heart since it is the hardest one to get and has a lot of requirements. I'll just post the pic. But in case you're really trying to get the third heart, it just says "stay at your hut until Logan decides to pay you a visit." It's only a random chance around 20:00 - 4:00.

I hope this helps. 

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I would if I could, I just dunno how. Still, I suggest you just restart the game; this way, you can fix your past mistakes and make better progress. That's what I did when I lost mine (╥﹏╥). I have no regrets though because I really love the game.

I do also hope that someone who knows how to share save files finds this.

That's an interesting idea to think about. With the help of red orcs, we can conquer numerous parts of Aigran... I doubt it would happen tho. Only Hyao has the POWER, and we can trust only him.

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You have to sneak up on Everett and Booner at night in Northcrest, and also don't ignore it, confront Everett about it. 

YESS!! and a variety of outfits would be nice too!

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Do you guys know if we're still going to be able to get more content about Logan's wife, Selena? Because Logan is datable, which possibly means she's dead 🤷. I would save Selena if I could and help the two fix their problems so they can live happily ever after. Besides, I have my Bernard. Also, I found in the sanity endings that when you lose to werewolf Logan (Logan's Bitch), he will drag you deeper into the den, where surprisingly, you will find Selena, who is also a slave of the wolves. You both will be bred mercilessly until death... But for now, if you didn't get the sanity ending, you will find nothing in the den, so I'm kinda confused. Is she 💀?? Hopefully not...

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Got it, thank you for the info. Idk why, but I wasn't expecting that we'd look like a shadow 😅. I was just excited; I understand it tho. As players, it depends on us how we would like our MC to look. Welp, I still love it. And speaking of looks, I wonder when we'll be able to have a sprite for Paulo and John, especially Paulo, his description sounds pleasing lol. 

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I would like to know too, I thought we had a sprite or CG for our main character, so I tried revisiting different events to see if it enables it. However, that's not the case. Please inform me if anyone answers.

I think so because, in order to begin the assembly, you would need to invite Everett, and inviting him would require you 20+ likes from him, or so I think. Though I'm not certain if there's a chance to see them again at night in NC, I believe it would be better to load an old save from before sneaking up on Everett and Booner. This time, don't ignore it and talk to the commander. (keeping it secret will make him like you more, and blackmailing will make him dislike you). On the other hand, you mentioned that Feliar was killed, so yeah, inviting him to the official meeting will only be optional if you had saved him.

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This update is like a dream come true♥️! I love it so much, I think more than words can express!! I've been hoping to have a date with Bernard, and this has truly made my day. Thank you, Hyao, for making this happen. I'm grateful to you.

Glad to help :D