This was pretty cool but it needs an actual ending. But fun game and original idea
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Tbh I thought this one was bad. The map was too large, most of the enemies aren't threatening at allreally boring and without a heal stave you just dick around in forts to heal. Also the gimmick of stepping onto a tile and spawning weak reinforcements is tiresome, and the story feels like a blatant excuse plot.
I did like Rookie Day but I think this is a hard miss
Gonna be honest, this one was pretty bad. Not much story, boring encounters and it ended very abruptly. I thought a glorified zombie after entering the castle and then just decide to leave? I actually kind of liked Saint's Tomb and Miner Problem. Oh and a more nitpicky complaint, I'm a cleric with the light cantrip, i dont need a torch. I do like the upgrade to the inteface, though is Charimsa even used?
A fun little diverson but not much more. Once your warriors copies some higher stats, they'll be nearly invincible well before they can become a champion and then it will start to get boring once the rush of power wears off. On the positive side you can play it solo (but i recommend ignoring the once a day rule, this game doesnt have enough depth or novelty for long term play)