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A member registered Mar 05, 2020

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Can't play it. Windows version is complaining about a missing .pck file.

(1 edit)

Yup, seems to save properly now. Thanks!   

Now I just have to figure out how to get out of the darn forest!

For anyone still wondering, talk to the ghost lady in town a few times. Her hints will lead you where you need to go.

Very neat little game! I did run into the saving problem using FCEUX, but fortunately I don't think I was too far into it before I found that out. 

Any chance of getting a downloadable version? The web version is a little wonky for me. 

Nice! Will it still be available here? I always like to get my stuff from Itch if I can.

Is the game getting redone or something? I see a Steam page but it doesn't look like you can download from here anymore. 

Microsoft flags your game as having a virus.

Your game is getting flagged by Windows Defender as a virus. 

The most hated and cursed!

I tried to play this with a controller, but I had some difficulty because every time I'd use the right stick to try and move the camera it spun around wildly. Seems like it's overly sensitive. 

Your download button totally freaked me out for a second!

Nice! Thanks for letting me know!

Very cute! Is there supposed to be a level in the attic? The soundtrack seems to have a song for it but the last button is for the ending.

People have been making and playing mods for years while waiting for the official stuff.

Try pushing the + key. Game is muted by default.

Eh, it's not a good look to have broken stuff in your big hyped-up demo. They've got to fix it eventually anyhow.

Gonna guess that's how the programmer was playing the game so that's the version that got fixed right.

It's been fun, and also that's sarcasm.

(1 edit)

No problem! By the way, I'm curious now; what does the Japanese text in the title say and how is it supposed to be read? Google translates it to "Touhou Spirit Guide" but I never trust auto-translators completely, and heck if I know how to pronounce it.  

I think v 1.1 broke something. The game starts and then closes out right away.

This is chaos! Is there an actual win condition or do you just play for a high score?

Fun little game, though I think the mechanic of how to stay on the ball when jumping could have been taught a bit better. I was starting to think the game was broken until I figured it out.

You uh... might want to put up some screenshots or a description or something to tell people what the game is about if you want anyone to play this.

The name is quite appropriate so far. It's frustrating but in a fun way! Any plans to make a downloadable version?

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Is this the same as the Steam version? The recommended storage over there says 2 GB, but the download here is under 250 MB.

The premise is interesting, but the controls are really weird.

I see this just released on Steam. Any chance the full release will come out here, too?

Is there a reason this game still says "In development"? Looks pretty complete to me. Is there more content coming?

The pixel art is alien and strange and gorgeous, and I'm definitely intrigued by the world and story. Hope to see more of this.

Thanks for posting this. I was just wondering why it wasn't available. I'd rather buy it here, but it seems like your hands are tied on that. Off to GOG, I guess. 

I see a steam version of this just released. Is this one different from that?

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Man, I wasn't sure this was ever getting finished. So glad to be wrong. Congratulations on crossing the finish line! I've been waiting to play it until the full game was ready, so I'm pretty excited! 

There's going to be a monster that pops up and screams at me at the end of this thing isn't there...

Windows says it's a virus.

Macbat 64 community · Created a new topic Moon level?

I saw a playthrough that had some sort of space level in the extra book. Is that exclusive to another version of the game or is there a way to get there on this version somehow?