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To fix white screen bug. Follow the instructions in this reddit post. https://www.reddit.com/r/flash/comments/85b00h/fix_standalone_flash_player_white_screen/ The broken load button is due to the save file being located in another folder. Fix is complicated. Locate the 'Con_Save.sol' file and note the locations. If you know which one is the correct one then delete the others and move the correct one to the correct folder. (Example: C:/Users/*name*/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Shared Objects/*Random String*/localhost/*User*/*location of game exe*/Con-QuestVersion(0.11)winPublic.exe/Con_Save.sol) is my correct save file. I would move that file to the current game directory in the above string. If my game exe is on my desktop then, (C:/Users/*name*/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Shared Objects/*Same Random String as above*/localhost/*Same User as above*/Desktop/Con-QuestVersion(0.11)winPublic.exe/Con_Save.sol.