I know you won't upload updates here, but will there be posts about updates? That way we won't have to go looking at the web constantly to check for anything new
No fucking way I got it just by typing random shit with the keybord ON THE FIRST FUCKING TRY (technically it wasn't random typing, but it was a guess(just realized it was one character, not the combination of some))
I wish the extra was Alice fucking the player, but still nice
When downloading an update just open the game from anywhere and your save files will automatically be on the newer version, don't know about the .js tho
Is the download speed extremely slow for anyone else? 14Kb/s isn't my conection speed, I had another itch game downloading simultaneously and it went 80Mb/s
At this point I won't be surprised if we got GTA VI before the next update or even devlog, shit's taking longer than Nintendo making a new Super Mario Bros game.
Edit: and just a day after this they make a new devlog, as expected with my plan. Reverse psicology works wonders