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A member registered Apr 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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"Its a erra." XD

Hey! If anyone wanst to read my book im making, heres the link.




Op.. Wanna see mine?  Tbh idk what its abt

put on toggle jumpo in teh beginin

Luv it

I was once Warrior_Fan, but now I'm SnowBurst! Its my Oc Name


i tried 2 be leader not in sliver speed run, i got lead in 7 mins


What yeaar was it made then? (and if u coudl say ur age. im 14) so I cab work out, how long ago u were playing, and hwo old u were

Its fine! I luv it. But, if i had to choose PIZZA! (I can give u a link to make ur pfp?)

U dont have a father.

No. Neitehr on computer, pc ect.

I like her! Warrior names: Lilac'Ghost Clouded' Sight. Dead' snow

Yes indeed. A for banana.

press joy stick down



SRRY IF I AM BOTHERING- But is this it? :3

bro- liar- your computer, NO MATTER WHAT will get to hot, and will close windows if untouched every half hour.

That doesnt happen-

Bro I got my other 1 on scratch, and I got a code saying this: You look like a big watermelon. LOOK

Dens|0|-2|1|1|0|15|16|Your kits to apps|Your kits are apps|0|6|0|22|0|Badger Attack|3|22|1|0|1|1|All|none|198|0|4|0|0|1|1|1|0|-96.34019174590992|0|0|Marshmallow Melt|0|0|0|4|Cockatiel||Marshmallow|2.0|Warrior|28|0|0|0|15|-18|0|0|1|nvm|You look like a big water melon|BrambleClan|0|0|Night|Dusk|0|0|0|107|Cotton|Half Sun|0|White|2|Dusk|Night|0|1|Ceris|0|6|0|0|0|0|0|0|5|1|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|6|1|Fawn|0|0|0|Apprentice|0|0|6|4|0|0|0|0|Kit|4|Duskpaw|Dustpaw|Breezepaw|Nightpaw|20|Creamfrost|Lilacpath|Ashtail|Sparrowtail|Torrentclaw|Moonheart|Goldenstrike|Darkclaw|Hollypelt|Fallenfeather|Creekfoot|Owltuft|Duskfall|Amberclaw|Nightwhisper|Breezesong|Dustfeather|Crystalblaze|Moss-shadow|Cottonwillow|

except of old age.

Do I name my self SILVER or siLver



Bravo. I am making my own here: 

Urs way better tho..

Thanks. Just added some to chapter 1

Yall, I am making a warrior cat book on Google docs! :3 feel free to look! Heres ze link

TawnyKitt?? Is it normal or a glitch I forgot how the normal names are op.


Everyone is looking for you.

Tysm <3


SInce everyone is makeing really cool chapter storys.. (THYE AMAZING)..

Ima make my own..

      Honey ices Life. Chap 1.

Honey kit was sitting at the nursery entrance. watching the warriors chatter.  She'd watch her father - Grey'star - talk with the clan deputy. - Lilac'tail- '' Honey'kit! Please play with us!  We only need one more kit for the game!'' Mew'ed her sister, Fur'kit. '' I dont want too.. I just wanna stay here.'' Fur'kit mocked her. ''Alright.. I guess you are to scared.''  She ran away with teh rest of the kits. Her ears flattend. '' Ice'tree, arent you gonna say anything..?'' Asked one of the queens. '' .. Lilac'trail.. I have nothing to say. Its alright if she can stay.'' lilac  tail rolled her eyes and put her nose under her tail agian.

Moons went by. Honey'kit was now an apprientce. Training.. Dont mess it up.. She thought. Following her mentor to the hunting grounds. From acros the moor, they saw an river clan patrol hunting on their territory. '' Maple' Heart.. Is that a river clan patrol over there?'' The patrol gasped. One pushed me back towords one. Lucky I saw them before they got anything. She thought proudly. Before she knew it- they were fighting. '' Honey'paw.. Please, go back to camp and yell FIGHT! and show them the way to the river clan patrol, dont mess it up.'' Said maple'heart tierdly. She swiftly ran back to camp. '' FIGHT!'' Warriors followed honey'paw to the fight, she turned away. Moons after the fight, warriors called her a hero. Some thought she had been gifted. But no. She was normal. 

Finally.. They let us do whatever today! No warriors telling us what to do!  She thought happily, she saw dusk'paw. She liked him. Not in a friend way, they knew they both loved each other. Dusk'paw signed.  '' I need to talk to you..''

OMG.. I never thought of that- I LOVE IT