that window opening anim LMAOOO I cant... looking forward to the next update!!!
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Hey, sorry for the late reply. We would indeed really appreciate to be added to NukemNet, but this version (MMZO Legacy) has been discontinued; I recommend waiting for the upcoming revival MMZO NEXT. However, I can make sure that all the required command line arguments get added in this version! Mind hopping on our Discord server so that we can discuss this in further detail?
Hey, developer here. The game was delisted some time ago due to internal issues with our matchmaking server provider, but we completly forgot to update the page to reflect this change. The page should now be updated with information regarding the current situation of the game, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Hey, developer here. The game was delisted some time ago due to internal issues with our matchmaking server provider, but we completly forgot to update the page to reflect this change. The page should now be updated with information regarding the current situation of the game, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
1) Click the "Find Games" button on the main menu
2) There should be a list of matches to join, to create one press the "Create Match" button
3) Choose the name of the match, the map, the number of frags required to win, etc. Once you're done press the "Create Match" button
4) If everything goes right you should be ingame, in order to join the match, your friends now have to repeat Step 1, select in the list the row with your match name, and press the "Join" button
If any subsequent help is required feel free to reply