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A member registered Feb 04, 2018

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A weird technical issue. Whenever you get an ending, the music doubles up on itself

Found out controls, though also question, is there a way to change the window size/resolution to be a bit bigger?

Sadly I didn't have the cash to support, but TBH I would play a like full release of this it's so cute. Even if I have a bad feeling I'd only get like 1-2 endings out of fear of screwing it up down other paths. but this is so adorable and I love it and AAAAAAAAAA

Having played through basically everything the public demo has to offer (only like.. 2 scenes were missing and I got through all the actual content)

Writing was amazing anywhere from wholesome to hilarious to hot

Artstyle is absolutely gorgeous.

But... Optimization was a mess. I don't have a beefy PC, but a 2d pixel art porn game should not be lagging like it did on my system. Granted I don't know if this was the game or my hardware but it's decent enough that this game should be able to run and not completely chug on it. Luckily this issue never really came up as an actual issue (aside from the nut dodging game) but it bogged the experience down both in terms of the gameplay and even the animated lewds feeling stuttery.

I actually found the answer to this one. It's not random. You hit either the Jump or Attack button when there's the "x3" symbol is on-screen

The Water Pipes quest isn't available ATM.

I've been having the same issue with the Second gallery option. Some have said get caught by more than 1 kobold, but that didn't unlock it for me.

I'll accept that, Though...
1: I assumed that dominating monsters was so easy because this was just level 1 and 2 of what I assumed would eventually expand into a longer more complex game where the risk would ramp up over time, and that essentially this idea of toppling enemies would become  a central part of the gameplay like Witch Time in Bayonetta, rewarding players for mastering the system and timing on enemy attacks.
2: Also I'll give it to you that you're right that you're disincentivized from seeing the submissive trap room scenes... I guess that maybe that I'm just stuck in proper game space where I think of the fact that under this system if they have full health then it's likely players won't even try to succeed at the QTEs.

I wanted to say that I can't wait for a full version. though I will give a bit of a recommendation in regards to the game..
1: I hope there's somewhat of a progression system. Binding of Isaac comes to mind
2: just something I'm interpreting from your plans. Let the player regain energy from dominating monsters.
3: make it that failing an ambush costs you energy.

I'm a bit stuck right now.. Does anyone know how to save Skeleton princess? I got into the scene where I can save her but I don't get the option to save her. was I supposed to have an item that I don't have? or is it broken because of new versions not needing the head anymore?