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A member registered Nov 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

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Nice catch! I was able to reproduce it and fixed it, I also adjusted it so the rage only builds up with enemies. Thanks for reporting it!

Here's a hint to get Ending 5, using Rage isn't necessary just save most of them.

Thanks for playing!

hey thanks! Glad you like it

hehe thanks!


Tell me about it, my heart was beating like crazy.

Glad you like it!

(2 edits)

I like that you can't just blast through but use the explosion radius to win, loved the story too (BAAMMMMM)
I did find the background music to be repetitive and maybe the bomb a bit hard to control, I understand it was intentional but I think it had too much resistance
Nice job

Glad you like it!
I left it at windowed mode since the pixelart looks better (? the smaller the screen is, but I'll enable fullscreen
And I'll take a look at the screen shake so it's not too much

Fun game with lots of personality (main menu, the mc, animations, etc), the bomb transformation has lots of potential
Good Job

(1 edit)

Simple gameplay but satisfying and quite addictive (almost didn't stop playing), Good job

Nice, that's exactly what I was trying to replicate. Glad you like it.


Thanks! Since the theme list was tokusatsu stuff, might as well go all the way.

Thanks for hosting this jam! Learned a lot.

Thanks! I agree, it's exactly the reason why there's so much juice to make up for it.

One of the best entries so far. No sfx for jumping, landing, hit, etc or maybe it was intentional? Amazing game regardless

Really good

Thanks for playing, glad you like it. The dash meter fills up every time you hit an enemy, it deals you damage but you can heal with the dash.
And yeah the bgm was a godsend

This is just what I needed, thanks!

Thank you! I'll make sure to keep working on it.

Thanks, means a lot!, the final version will have even more stuff to do.

(1 edit)

Yes! You're right. I'll make sure to add something in the next update for a smooth transition, I'll also take a look at the script if there's something similar.

Thanks for the comments, and for playing!


I'll participate in this jam alongside another one, which already started (it began the 1st and ends the 31rd). I had planned to use the OST made in this one for the other jam, will my submission still be accepted?  Answer n°6 says No, it is required that all participants compose an original soundtrack for a game that does not yet exist before the jam. That means soundtracks created for other game jams that starts after this jam can be submitted, but I just want to make sure

Thanks for the comments! An new version is in the works that'll solve these issues.

Thanks for playing

(1 edit)

I agree, the controls don't seem to be that intuitive, I'll put more thought into them next time (or when I update this one).

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Cute first game! As Ellie said sfx would improve the feel a lot more.

Also, I felt some of the jumps (where the "floor" is near the top, like the image below) were kinda tricky to do since you have to walljump from an exact spot or otherwise the top will block he player's jump, after a few tries I found this to be kind of frustating. Still, walljumping is a pretty good and fun idea.

Pretty good game, congrats!

Hello, I'll test the game to find where/when it occurs, thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for playing!, glad you like it

(2 edits)

Hello again, from what I got this is a browser related issue (like cookies being blocked, I dunno if you tried playing in another one), for now I made it so you could download the game and play it if you're still interested.

Thanks for letting me now.

What's up? I'd like to see into this, if you remember, could you describe where/when it happened? In the first level or the second or you couldn't play at all? Was it when you were picking up ingredients or something else? I have an idea about what might cause it but if I could recreate it, it will make things easier.


Thanks!, it's only one level

I understand, still, Thanks Joseph!

Thanks! Glad you like it

Right? It's been a journey

Thank you! More games coming in the future for sure.

DAMN this is good