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washa games

A member registered Mar 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's odd, as it seems the issue might be with your account, as both payhip as here in the payment gateway are the same. 

Unfortunately these games are only available on these websites

Olá! Vc pode comprar pelo Payhip

Hello! if you got the game here on, there's no need to connect your patreon account, you just need to uninstall the demo version and install the full one instead. There's no actual way to unlock the full game from the demo version. You can contact me on discord if you need more assistance, should be easier to settle this down :)

yea, you can take her cloth off and wank off to her full naked body ;)

It seems that's a bug, I'll investigate

Some phones auto convert the APK when download it, there are some fixes around. You can download from a PC and transfer to your phone or try to rename the file format from .zip to .apk

This won't become free tho 🤔

If your question is related to the difference between the demo (which is free) and the full version, is that on the full version you can have sex and a couple ways to cum

what kind of error are you getting?

No more poses, sorry. This project is finished for good, time to move on and make more games :)

probably not, sorry lol
we're working on a Nikke-clone tho, maaaaaybe there a chance of her appearing if she won a far-future poll

is your Android x64?

this feature it's only available on the full version, you can either touch on her horns or on the guy's penis :)

There's no release date yet as I'm still working on the base system for touch interaction with her body.

For the chat I haven't fully planned it yet, so I can't tell for sure how it'll work haha

yea, it's just a demo anyway. On the full version you can cast off her panties and expose her tatas

hmm that's odd! I've added the integration with patreon, but it shouldn't stop you to get it directly from here.

If you still having troubles, you can get this project on my Gumroad instead, it's the same files :)

Okay, what is the error message?

Are you getting any error message?

there's no use, you can just ignore and install the windows and android versions instead :)

it's the full build of the HTML5, which is actually only available for my patrons, it shouldn't be listed here haha my bad :)

thank you for your kind words :)

there's no specific date yet as the game still under development, you can follow how it's cumming on my patreon, I've been posting monthly devlogs, here's the last one with a bunch of gifs:

you're not stupid :P
you can't take all her clothes off, it wasn't designed like this haha

you can take her clothes off in the full version :)

which video?

We don't have plans for more updates, but who knows. I didn't planned adding the Halloween stuff and I just did lol

It'll takea while, specially because I'm alternating between my project and also making animations for the AnimeFlux's game, so both projects requires a lot of time and effort

I'm currently working on a new one featuring Hilda from pokemon, you can check the progress on my Patreon posts

That's an Android bug, some users have reported this issue. Just download the apk on your computer and then transfer to your phone :)

opa! seu cartão precisa ser internacional para poder fazer compras por aqui ou pelo paypal :)

sorry about that! check the reply above and see if it helps you :)

hmm that's really weird! The option to buy is available when you hit the Download Now button, if you still having issues, you can get the games on my Gumroad page, this link is for the bundle, but you can access the individual links under the description :)

hey, no problem, just make sure to add my credits on it :)

Yes, there's a full online version available on my website (, but it's only available for patrons. I'll see if it's possible to add the browser version here on

obrigado! ;)

Não temos data exata, mas eventualmente vamos fazer mais sim

Nao vamos mais mexer nessa versao pois ela já foi finalizada. Mas podemos considerar isso para algum futuro projeto

It's not region locked, so you late able to buy it anywhere in the world by using credit card or paypal

sim! os dois jogos rodam nativamente no android , da uma olhada na parte dos downloads :)

Vc pode jogar a Sonia Go, foi o primeiro jogo que fizemos nesse estilo, mas ele é mais simples já que na época ainda estavamos estudando as ferramentas :)

Sonia GO

Haha we don't have plans for males characters for now, I'm sorry!