I check above more and less about route characters who I love so much: 'Mikko, Rune and Lake'. I love big or mature characters but I recognize Lake is so special and adorable, so nice and sweet outside and inside him.
I was worried for the same issue about black scene, and so few illustrations about him like Mikko and Rune have, but I supposse Lake is one of route less developed and it has to show a lot of art and special moments in pics, I hope so, cause I love the love that lovely lion has inside him and I wish the developer squeeze so much that character's potential because he is so special. If he were real I could feel in love with him although asexual relationship, but enjoy give him all love , affection and care I could give him. He doesnt deserve less.
Watery Zen
Recent community posts
Im so sorry for those difficulties , specially which Patreon issue about cut creators freedom for exclusive contents. I wonder if there is another platform Patreon similar with more freedom for creators contents, It should. Whatever, I wish your time and situation get better and you can go ahead with your wonderful project. I would LOVE enjoy polyamorous route and Lukas route. I LOVE specially all these characters. Specially Axel and Lukas, and I miss Russell with his shark's smile and his "my dude" . I hope soon enjoy new contents soon. And I wish a lot of Lucky and power with your situation and project.
Regars from an Spain Otter.
Watery Zen
You're right. I could understand that when the creator explain me that before, sorry if I seemed annoyed before but I really wasn't so. Perhaps I was too excited when I realize a new route finally started that I waiting too since first day and then I dissapointed in that moment, but I can see that works have its progress and its steps. I will wait carefully but ansioux the next updates. Axel and Dom are too cute and I love watch more about their route soon
Ok ok whatever you say.
You begin complain for my opinion and now you try reverse roles, oh dammit, dont make me laugh please , dont be ridiculuous, its clearly you should be boring and prefer start an argument with somebody with the excuse one about read something you dont like, if you throw a complain to someone before to read all comment at first is your shit, not mine, smartass.
And again I write or comment any thing I want and you are nobody for critize that, if you annoying for that the problem is your, i'll pass waste more time for inmature chat.
Anyway, happy new year
I understand, you are right, sorry if I could sound a little rude its not my intention, only it was a little perception mine but I could be wrong, whatever I dont know if each version are monthly or each 3 months or so and I was so look forward for a new day with Axel or Dom, but I like your work and you have a great work with this project, I hope the next version look forward. Thanks for your answer and merry Christmas and new year :)
Its not my fault if you continued read my comment when I wrote cleary in bracket SPOILER, Its your own mess, not mine, the next time beware with the word SPOILER or read other comments if you dont like some of those, some people have the right to write which each of us our sensation or constructive opinion if we want or give some point if it helps. I am free write whatever I want always with respect, but you are the one have not any right tell me what thing I have write or not, its not about your bussiness. If you dont like, dont read more comments then dude
This VN is awesome and very cutes characters, but about this last version one (0,51) (A little spoiler) sorry but it sucks a little -_- I was forward about watch the first Axel and Dom route's day but I only saw a neverending dialogues between main character with Tai and Russell and nothing more else, thats all . Me : WHAT? O.O, I felt a little dissapointed and boring, several months waiting for this route, almost a first interaction with Axel or Dom and nothing about that happenned :`( . Dude it sucks. Please, please, the next version less boring dialogue and more interaction with the main characters in that route
Hi. Id Know about carácter info, their ages, lives, etc
Specially about main character, Adrian. How old IS he? I have that little curiosity because un Tai's router he saya several times about 'big age distance' between They both, and Tai IS less than 40s. I think Adrian could exagerate a little too, and for this a woke Up about muy curiosity un read some characters profiles if that could be posible. Thanks
I think so, Wells , actually im playing un the 18th day Spencer, he is the second character route Who un following, i finished Harold route a few days ago. But instead I LOVE Big guys, Spencer getting more and more inside my heart, he is so special, and Darius character I keep him like final route, because I think he has some wonderful surprise inside of him which could get emotioned me, I note he could have somthing inside so beautiful and his prepotent behaviour could be only a face to hidde somthing so cute and lovely. Whatever he like to me so much simply, but I think I could feel in love about Richard when his router bring out, when I see him i stay watch their eyes and smile a while.
But I agree with you, Its a shame none of them are real people, the artist of this awesome proyect is so wonderful artist, he gets their characters full us of many feeling, I could be so Happy more than anyone if only once time in my live could only steal a warm huge to Spencer and so can smell his furry skin only.
I Hope this project upload the next version soon, there are some details unfinished and some of them are sketchs yet. I m sure it would be a grear treasure when it gets full complete.
Sorry if my English os not good enough, im a Spanish furry.
Regards each fans about this proyect and all artists Who made It possible too
I know, I only was a little worried about a little bug but the only wrong thing that happened me in this VN was about I was using 0.98 version instead 1.106 and so the last days there were some mistakes like change of days one thing else one thing less (Sorry if my english language is not so good). But last night I begun Harold's route since zero and so it run correctly and I could finish his route perfectly.
My friend could say 38 day perhaps he didnt remember well or got a little confuse, anybody could happen that
I just to find out possibility a little mistakes about Harolds route, I think he has 35 days in total. He hasnt?. But a friend told me Harold has 38 days in his router, perhaps he was wrong. Another little mistake is in the last version ( 1.106, I think), when is the 34th day on Saturday, It turns on 33th Friday and the next and last day instead 35th on Sunday, It turns Day 1 on Saturday, and I dont know if that really is the last Harold router day or not. Im a little confundes if somebody could clear that to me, please
Hi. I played this amazing and lovely game, but I suppossed that it could be under constrction due so short is this version yet. Am I right if i think that game will continue and will have new routes? I wish see more about this novel. Where could I receibe notices when there are new actualizations? thanks