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A member registered Apr 16, 2024 · View creator page →

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I love the BreezeClan games!


Why are ya up lol?

Lol okay

I really like testing out creators on picrew lol

Hi.... Are ya online? I'm bored.


I might disappear for a while sometimes but that's 'cause I can't be bothered to charge my phone :3

Also, before anyone asks, yes I'm back.

I heard someone say they'd become leader. If it was you that said that; TELL ME HOW!!!!



Sorry I haven't checked my in such a long time... -_-

You can drown in the river. I did it on my first try lol.

I can't even do that though. The Prey just rums into me at random 

Hunting is impossible. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?

On the boxes where the apprentices used to be she is black. If you need I can post a photo :3

Cute. They look like they're based of Frogmist lol.

She's meant to look like a ferret lol. I love ferrets. They're my favourite animal. 



No I used a website.

I don't play it. I was just randomly looking at it.

Hollybreeze is the cat in sunclan who used to be an apprentice. She is on the boxes inside of the tent.

Maybe delete this post

It is so much better than mine though.

That's really good but you can't call a cat 'star' if they became leader they would be called starstar.


Hi Echo



I'm gonna keep adding characters every chapter I make.

Chapter Two

"Frogmist! Frogmist!" Bloodpaw ran into the nursery with her mouse. "Look what I caught!" Frogmist looked up from cleaning here pelt. "Hm? What? Oh that's nice." She said, unconvincingly. "Go away Bloodpaw!" Yelled Frondkit. Bloodpaw's adopted siblings were about a moon younger than her so they were still kits. Bloodpaw sighed, unhappily. What does everyone hate me? She thought. Bloodpaw stormed out of the nursery, taking her mouse with her. She tossed it onto the fresh-kill pile and raced out of camp. She wasn't hungry anymore.

Bloodpaw ran and ran until she realised she had reached the border. She was about to turn back when a voice spoke to her. "Frogmist is mean, isn't she?" Said the red tabby. "It's not just her!" Said Bloodpaw before she could stop herself. "It's all of the clan. They either hate me or think I'm one moon old!" She said. The tabby smiled. "Why don't you join us? We hate the clans too." The red cat licked his paw. "Who's we?" Asked Bloodpaw. "The Broken Stars." He said.

Kill them, Silentblaze's words echoed around Bloodpaw's head. Kill them all. "How?" Bloodpaw had asked. "Anyway you can." He'd said. "The cats with the star with a slash through it are on our side." Bloodpaw suddenly remembered a story that Frogmist used to tell her. A story about a cat who killed with a berry. A berry called the deathberry. 

Frogmist was in the nursery. "I brought you some food!" Bloodpaw yelled. "Thank you, Bloodpaw," Frogmist said, smiling at Bloodpaw. This should go smoothly, thought Bloodpaw. Bloodpaw left the Prey at Frogmist's paws and walked out of the nursery, calmly. A few minutes later, there was a scream. "MURDER!" Screamed Canarykit. Bloodpaw and several other cats rushed into the nursery. Bloodpaw acted sad and surprised but she was really just happy that Frogmist was finally gone.

More characters from my story:




Blood Awakens chapter one

Chapter One:

I knew it! Bloodkit thought. She does hate me! Bloodkit stomped back into the nursery, not caring who she woke. First she shouts at me for no reason and then she forgets about me! What did I ever do to her? Bloodkit fumed. She flicked her tail at her mother's shoulder. Frogmist stirred. "Wha-?" She grunted, half asleep. "Go away Bloodkit." Bloodkit sighed and flopped down into her nest in the corner. She slowly drifted into an uneasy sleep.

"LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY, GATHER BENEATH THE HIGH ROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!" Wolfstar yowled. "Bloodkit , you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Bloodpaw. Wattlesplash step forward. Wattlesplash, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Bluepoppy and you have shown yourself to be smart and brave you will be the mentor of Bloodpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Wattlesplash walked up to Bloodpaw and touched noses with her. "Bloodpaw! Bloodpaw," the clan cats yowled. Bloodpaw smiled. Now she was free from Frogmist. 

"And this is the ShatteredClan border." Said Wattlesplash. "Okay this is kind of boring," said Wattlesplash. "How about we go hunting and you can explore the border with Ferretpaw later." Wattlesplash walked towards the Great Elm and Bloodpaw trailed behind her. "I'm hungry!" Bloodpaw complained. "You can eat once we've hunted. Drop into a hunting crouch. Yes but get lower," said Wattlesplash. Bloodpaw was crouching on the ground. "Can you scent anything?" Wattlesplash asked. "Yes..." Bloodpaw trailed off. "Go on!" Wattlesplash encouraged. "There's a mouse in the bush in front of me." Bloodpaw said. "Yes now try catching it," said Wattlesplash. "Okay," said Bloodpaw. Bloodpaw pounced on the bush, carful not to get pricked by some nearby brambles. She caught the mouse in her mouth and bit down hard, delivering the killing bight. Warm blood seeped into her mouth. "Well done!" Said Wattlesplash. "Your first try! How about we get back to camp and you can eat something." She said. "Alright." Smiled Bloodpaw. Frogmist had to be impressed now!


It's very helpful:)

Ok Wolfstar it is!

Not sure

Birchblaze may I use your name in my story?

BTW: Frogmist looks a little different because cats can't be green :)