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Wavey Games

A member registered Feb 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Good puzzles, loved the graphics and the scares. There was a very welcome disorienting silent hill -esque unreality in some moments. I'm thinking of the convenience store particularly. A wonderful game!

Like we oughta! ;D

Thanks, Max! And likewise, I'm happy I spotted Wink earlier on mastodon

I got kissed! <3 Awesome game with some lovely puzzling. It was nice experimenting with the radio.

Aaaaand it's out! Congrats!

This looks splendid! I like how you've honed the graphical style you started on Abscission. And I think I spy a familiar little symbol there in the screenshots...

Okay, I could take you on! I got some help and I'm waiting for my guy to get back to me. You can send me an email at so I can get in touch with you!

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I'll have to look into it! I'll probably need some help to pull it off. I'd love to have a Mac version available for people to play.

Aha! Totally missed it!

The music was really bangin'! Good graphics too. I guess the game could've been a bit faster in pace

The pre-rendered graphics look gaddam amazing!

Melon Head

There is a strange satisfaction in copying surreal captcha texts...  Nice work over all!

This was great fun! A good investigative game, I might finally give the Case of the Golden Idol a try :D The art is fantastic!

Well, I'm very happy to hear that!

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Thank you!

It's not your browser, don't worry. :) The game is currently in development and so it can't be bought yet.

I would have actually liked to hide the price for the time being, but I couldn't do it without marking the game as free, which in turn would've been misleading imo.

As for the pre-order, I think I will make it available as the development progresses.

Oh! This looks moody! Very atmospheric.

Looks like a lot of fun!

The demo was wonderful and it was over much too soon! This has been one a few games that nod back to those old Macventure/Kemco titles and have gotten me introduced to the whole genre of this type of point 'n' clickin'. I'd be thrilled to see a full game of this.

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I know it's you emma!

This game has an excellent story in a dark, unpredictable world where dreams, reality, the dead and the alive seem to all mesh together. I really liked it. Gotta say this was my introduction to the genre of psychic or psycho noir and it felt trippy, almost like reading a Burroughs novel. :D The graphics rocked too. The puzzles were simple enough, I think this was more of a story driven game. Thanks for the experience!

This is such a smart idea! I love how the dialogue box is a character too and the menu has feelings. About time the GUI's of the world get sum recognition! :D

Hi, everyone! I'm a bit late posting this as the game has been on itch since october, but I've been promoting it elsewhere until now.

Shape Village is a cosmic comedy in pixel art style. It is a story about a village and it's society seen through the eyes of Coney, our sensitive and romantic if not a bit lazy protagonist. The village itself seems small and peaceful but there is corruption brewing under the surface; crime, avarice, abuse, extortion, perhaps even evil forces of cosmic proportions.

In Shape Village the player's choices will have concequences which will lead to very different plotlines. I do encourage exploring them!

This is my second point & click adventure game and I would love to get people to play it and hear some feedback. Thanks for reading!

Here's a link to the itch page:

I'm getting hyped for this game!

I love the idea of having the option of doing something "useless" in a game just for fun. Not doing it in order to get something else, but for it's own sake. There's a lack of that in a lot of games.

The day-cycle sounds good. Maybe you could make a one day demo. ;)