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A member registered Apr 05, 2019

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(2 edits)

very smol bug: you're drawing your text labels in the editor in a way that things behind them can't be clicked.

(1 edit)

there seems to be a bug that when you change the duration in batch mode, the remaining batches of the generation will be executed at the new duration, but scored at the old one

a visible countdown or timer could be a good addition

it would be nice to have a mode in the editor that locks the bone lengths and allows the user to pose a model without changing its layout

how about loading an image background for the editor?

maybe a "follow the leader" mode would be good

OR you could cull the ones that have a point to the right of and below the screen

measurements on the floor / steps / obstacles could be good to have.. like numbering the obstacles, or a simple ruler on the floor for running, perhaps numbered steps?

It would be cool if the "show one at a time" mode had the others still visible but at 1/population opacity

In some resolutions the generation counter only admits three digits

...or perhaps the force could apply logarithmically so that as numbers get bigger the muscles dont get longer at the same rate

(1 edit)

I read the section on not limiting muscle length in your FAQ, but I thought of another approach to the problem: You could perhaps have muscles tear when stretched beyond X times their initial length, and remove such creatures from the gene pool?

Also, I want STATS!! GRAPHS!! CURVES!!! ;)