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A member registered Aug 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback.  

You can jump with Z or W depending on your keyboard. 

Thanks for your feed back. I agree the animations and sounds need a lot more work but I could only devoe 1,5 day to this jam and it was my first game. With a full week I could at least have made the animations smoother and find/make better sound effects. For the visuals on the other hand I'll need way more than a week to improve ;) .

Thanks for your comment and support. I'll think of adding a setting menu next time to control the volume. 

Checked out, rated and commented on your game. Thanks for your feedback. 

Cool game, music is untertaining. Great replayability.

Death by nudist...

Good game, the world swtich is a nice. I did not understand how the sand refills though.

The music is cool but the jump sound is a bit dispointing. 

And lastly, if you jump through one of the windows, you'll fall indefinitly with no way to come back to a menu of begining of the level.

Cool game, somes plateforms are too small, it gets frustrating quickly for me.

Great concept could not beat it. love the secret 4th tower type ;)

 though probably not intended :) --> Don't know for me it's part of the lie :D

nice game

Ok, I give up, can't figure out the burning bridge. Don't know if it's the end game or if it's too complex for me... otherwise,good game and  great graphics ;).