Development is current on hold, sorry about that!
Wayne Huras
A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →
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Build upon previous words to make new ones!
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An incremental game based on RGB colors and gradients
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Duke it out by grabbing as many of the planets resources as you can, while zapping holes under your foes!
Recent community posts
Hi! The progress % shows the total progress over every possible color (256*256*256 = over 16 million!). So the % might not show because the number you have completed so far is so small in comparison. But I understand that it might be confusing that way. I'll try and clarify it or change how its calculated in a future update. Thanks for checking out my game!
Is this because there are no more blocks that need that color? For example, if the gradient you are working on is black (0, 0, 0) to red (255, 0, 0) then you will never need green or blue. They will still fill up once, but not restart because there are no blocks that need its color. Does that make sense?