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A member registered Apr 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Super excited to play!

YES omg i cant wait to be in a stockholm relationship with Hawk

please make it a stockholm syndrome kinda game cause i am so into hawk

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is the end of the demo when we get back on the bike after taking the photo with the big dingo?

I hope you get better soon and Dont push yourself to hard!

Ive noticed as wellthat most yandere vns are just demos with no hope for an actual full version, which I hope doesnt happen with magenta!

Overall Im fine with Tillers words.

1) I honestly would love NSFW moments in the game but you do whatever makes you most comfortable!!

2) My Character to me personally is just a nerdy 27 year old redheaded scientist lollll, Personality wise I imagine shes the Jealous type as when our character went out with Zu and his friends, I always made sure his attention was on me.

3) I think it all depends on what the creepy stuff entails.

4) I think adding options in the menu to make the words bigger and bolder would be a great option! I personally have trouble reading words in visual novels if they blend to much into the background/are wayyy too small.

Really looking forward to playing the full version!

Super excited to see it! Thank you for the awesome response!! ^.^

Yes I would love a pronoun selection!! Also I would love to see sort of a Witch Character or a kinda gothic character?? I dont know if those really make sense but anyways. 

The demo was actually really long (which i loved!) and i actually forgot I was playing a demo LOL there was definitely a great number of choices in it

I am INLOVE with this game and zu!!!! I cant wait for the full version to be released!!

Yes! thank you so much for taking time to answer :)

if you dont mind me asking, what will the extra stories include/entail?

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Will the full version be free?