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A member registered Jul 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks! It started as a 2-week gamejam from BigMode. Then I spent another month finishing up something and publishing this version

That is very surprising. Do you mind sharing what kind of PC specs you have? There isn't really any optimization we can do aside from turning off the grass but its already such a lightweight shader

Nice idea, only got lost a few times! 

All great suggestions! I can't wait for the judging to end so I can start pushing some updates!

from the developer: sometimes the maze spawns everything in the center, this is obviously a bug I didnt have time to fix

(2 edits)

Very good concept. I'm sure it gets crazy after a while but it does feel like a very slow start. I would like to see more significant time-speedup button that shows up a little earlier

good ol' int.max_value

Not in a published project

great work

This slaps

No way! Those are my conveyors haha, awesome. Really cool to see this

yeah I know I messed up submission and cant fix it until after voting ends :(