gyld = guild
frvos = fur vose
drysken = dry skin
I'm an old fart so I read everything phonetically
I am immersed in trying to create a purely character driven solo RPG.
Then you release this!
Thank you.
My idea was, like yours, to focus on all the character traits. I am getting bogged down with trying to assemble inspirational tables to help generate traits.
Once you have a fully fleshed out character, when you have to ask "what happens next?" - randomly select a trait and use that to advance the narrative.
I love this! I'm grateful for Google translate, because my french is pretty terrible.
Dinos are about the muscle, animal instinct, etc. Thugs are about diplomacy, deceit an d technology. Not how I think of thugs, but okay.
How about adding dilophosaurus , allosaurus, spinosaurus